

jouhaan Galactic
Name jouhaan Galactic
Ticker JOUGA
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo jouhaan
Members 12
Tax Rate 2%
corporationID 98483603

Members [12]


u'Note: Recruitment by invitation only.


"the risk of having your day ruined by other people is the cornerstone with which EVE was built"
-CCP Solomon-

The wearing of the Poppy, is not to glorify
The deaths of a generation, sent out to die
It\u2019s instead a stark reminder, of callous use of power
A symbol easily remembered, the red Poppy flower
Although the years have passed them by
Ask the question, why did they die?
Squabbling Nations with greedy ambition
Sold them a lie, as their plans came to fruition
The lessons learned have been suppressed
The powerful and greedy still rule with unrest
Fake news, Economy crash, Intelligence lie
More young men sent out to die
So when you see that Poppy worn
Think again before you scorn
The young men made such sacrifice
Support their Family, the grieving Wife
-Riko Norton-

Stand back, make way, you mindless scum,
Squire Voland the Seducer\u2019s come\u2014
Old Bock from Babelsberg whose tower
Falls silent now, whose shrunken power
For lies or lays comes hobbling home
Into this concrete catacomb.

Extract of poem Written By: - W. D. Snodgrass -
(On this date, Goebbels moved into the lowest level of the bunker, taking a room opposite Hitler\u2019s.)

sauce... War Poetry'

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-16 07:19:59
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