

mangkei Corp
Name mangkei Corp
Ticker MANGK
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo mangkei
Members 1
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 610217915

Members [1]


Sharks with Frickin' Laser Beams [FRICK] is a corporation dedicated to providing reliable and competitively priced mercenary services aimed at solving any number of problems within the EVE universe. As one of the few professional and experienced merc corps working within the community, it is vital to us that we state publicly that we maintain completely neutral standings towards all individuals, corporations and political events occurring within the cosmos. It is our intention as a corporation to remain completely unbiased and as such we would be happy to speak with parties from all walks of life and from every corner of the galaxy regarding any issue which you think we may be able to assist with.

Our members are a diverse and experienced group of players who come from a rich background of previous employers. We are a professional group of people, who are invested in our corporation and fellow members, friendly to outsiders and who hold fun above all else. We do not smack or belittle, we do our job with confidence, respect for all parties involved and we do it with as much style and fun as we possibly can.

When we are not under contract, our members are afforded the freedom to do as they wish with their time. Many choose to be naughty pirates, killing indiscriminately in areas of unsecured space. Conversely, others bide their time with charitable amusements such as knitting caps for the poor and homeless or working their hearts out for the Sisters of EVE in hopes of a brighter tomorrow. As a group we may choose to extort or ransom local corporations, lead panty raids on area pleasure hubs, and on Tuesdays we play host to the universe's most famous chocolate covered BBQ in our headquarter system of Assez.

[FRICK] recruits spirited, stylish and creative members by invite ONLY. If you would like to start getting to know us, please join our public, in-game channel: SWFLB or visit our

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-03-04 08:44:38
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