

mega mining corporation
Name mega mining corporation
Ticker KERN
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo MnaMna DoDoDoDoDo
Members 7
Tax Rate 15%
corporationID 470393506

Members [7]


Are you fed up with logging onto Eve and seeing corp either empty, or full of people that don't talk? Are you wondering whether this is all Eve has to offer? Do you long for excitement? Would you like to help make the news rather than read about it? Would you like to test your mettle against the big boys in fleet battles and small gang PvP with likes Mercenary Coalition, BoB, RA, Goonswarm etc?

If you have answered YES to the above questions then it may be time for you to take your game play to the next level.

Mega Mining Corp is an 0.0 based corp within PURE alliance spread across EU, USA and AU timezones. Logging on is like stepping into a bar where all your best friends are gathered and having a great night. Every member cares passionately about their corp and the people within it. It is a corporation where members and their needs are the primary concerns. It is a corp where every single member has a voice and is encouraged to express their opinions. A place where there is no room for ego. We are very PvP focussed and can provide training for those not yet comfortable with setups and tactics.

All we ask from our members is that they are Active, Team Players, Honest and Dedicated.

We offer;

Fleet and gang PvP with ships produced by the corp at hugely discounted rates for PvPers.

0.0 access and all the wealth and resources associated with that.

Mining and Industry

Inventing and Exploration

Logistical support

Advice and Training

Plentiful opportunities for advancement within the corp for those that demonstrate the right attributes.

Join our channel "MMC Chat" and find out if you have what it takes to join the best corp in Eve. Those with a sense of humor bypass need not apply >:-))

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 07:26:37
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