

xeno resaevire
Name xeno resaevire
Ticker xenor
Alliance -
Faction -
Ceo Zane Xr
Members 6
Tax Rate 0%
corporationID 1739387814

Members [6]


Invite Only Corporation
We are the void, the ghosts of the universe. A retraction from the norm to fulfill our esoteric fantasy's. We are by design a self sustaining apocalypse and have brushed shoulders with a few of the elite. If we want your head, be weary, and if we stand by you light up. For we are Xr.

And you never get away
And you never get to take the easy way
And all of this is a consequence
Brought on by our own hand
If you believe in that sort of thng
And did you ever really find
When you closed your eyes
Any place that was still
And at peace
And I guess I just wanted to tell you
As the lights start to fade
That you are the reason
That I am not afraid
And I guess I just wanted to mention
As the heavens will fall
We will be together soon
If we will be anything at all.

Sovereignty systems [0]

The corporation doesn't hold any systems.
Last Update: 2025-02-22 07:49:39
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