
NPC Corporation

Eifyr and Co.
Minmatar Republic
Name Eifyr and Co.
Ticker EC
Faction Minmatar Republic
Home Elgoi
Agents 15
Members 15
TaxRate 0%

Members [15]


Eifyr was founded by the renowned biochemist Kolvil Eifyr, with a support from the Krusual tribe. The company has often been suspected of developing and manufacturing illegal neural boosters, but nothing has ever been proven. In any case, the operation of the company has always been a mystery to the public, and secrecy always breeds conspiracy theories.
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API J:21 Mar 02:41 K:21 Mar 02:36 C:21 Mar 03:18 A:21 Mar 03:01 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Mar 03:05 S:21 Mar 02:41 W:21 Mar 03:15