
NPC Corporation

Federal Defense Union
Gallente Federation
Name Federal Defense Union
Ticker FEDEF
Faction Gallente Federation
Home Amoen
Agents 68
Members 37404
TaxRate 0%

Members [37404]


The Federation has awoken to the threat, and now its strength shall be tried. We wanted peace, and now we are faced with war, provoked by the destructive Caldari. We need brave pilots to fly into the fray and protect not only the ideals for which we stand, but the Federation that upholds them in these dark times. Join us, capsuleer. With your strength and your conviction we shall endure.
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API J:27 Mar 21:50 K:27 Mar 21:55 C:27 Mar 22:03 A:27 Mar 22:03 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:27 Mar 21:58 S:27 Mar 21:51 W:27 Mar 21:15