
NPC Corporation

Perun Clade
Triglavian Collective
Name Perun Clade
Ticker CLPER
Faction Triglavian Collective
Home Kino
Agents 0
Members 0
TaxRate 0%

Members [0]


The Triglavian Collective has a complex social structure that is not easy for outsiders to understand on the strength of the limited observations made so far. One important element of the civilization is the so-called 'Clades', which clearly play a vital role in all aspects of the Collective. The Perun Clade seems to be made up of many subclades and appears to be accomplished in space-time mechanics, high-impulse and FTL engine construction, and electronic systems. The Perun Clade apparently exerts itself in the sphere of strategic leadership of the Collective to a greater degree than others.
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