
NPC Corporation

Sanmatar Kelkoons
Minmatar Republic
Name Sanmatar Kelkoons
Ticker SANKE
Faction Minmatar Republic
Home Kasrasi
Agents 0
Members 168364
TaxRate 0%

Members [168364]


In the ancient Minmatar Empire, the leaders of the Minmatar people were called 'Sanmatar' and their military councils staffed by officers known as 'kelkoons', an archaic Brutor word signifying a veteran warrior. The owners of the Sanmatar Kelkoons seek to play on that heritage even though their mercenaries have absolutely no connection to the present Sanmatar or the Republic military. Minmatar tribalists may consider this usage outrageous but the long history of abusing this terminology almost amounts to a tradition in itself. For their part, the Sanmatar Kelkoons continue to attract top rates for the services of their mercenary forces.
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