
NPC Corporation

The Convocation of Triglav
Triglavian Collective
Name The Convocation of Triglav
Ticker CTPSV
Faction Triglavian Collective
Home Otela
Agents 0
Members 0
TaxRate 0%

Members [0]

Stations [6]

Map Region: Pochven

Constellation System Security Name Type
Constellation Krai Perun Map Kino -1.00 Kino VII - Moon 17 - The Convocation of Triglav Bioadaptation Chambers
Constellation Krai Perun Map Otanuomi -1.00 Otanuomi VI - Moon 9 - The Convocation of Triglav Proving Complex
Constellation Krai Perun Map Otela -1.00 Otela V - Moon 1 - The Convocation of Triglav Semiosis Theater
Constellation Krai Svarog Map Nani -1.00 Nani IV - Moon 2 - The Convocation of Triglav Semiosis Theater
Constellation Krai Veles Map Kaunokka -1.00 Kaunokka II - Moon 1 - The Convocation of Triglav Proving Complex
Constellation Krai Veles Map Kaunokka -1.00 Kaunokka VI - Moon 2 - The Convocation of Triglav Semiosis Theater
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