
NPC Corporation

Tronhadar Free Guard
Minmatar Republic
Name Tronhadar Free Guard
Ticker TRONH
Faction Minmatar Republic
Home Javrendei
Agents 0
Members 168286
TaxRate 0%

Members [168286]


The Tronhadar Free Guard claim to trace their origins back to Krusual clans who held out against the Amarr invaders in the mountains of occupied Matar. That, at least, is the branding. While it seems true that it was founded by a pair of Krusual warlords, the company displays the utter lack of scruples one would expect in a Guristas interstellar pirate, and a like appetite for profit and power. No-one is quite sure who stands behind the Free Guard today but the rumor is that the enigmatic Kolvil Eifyr has a hand in its operations.
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