
NPC Corporation

Veles Clade
Triglavian Collective
Name Veles Clade
Ticker CLVEL
Faction Triglavian Collective
Home Archee
Agents 0
Members 0
TaxRate 0%

Members [0]


The Triglavian Collective has a complex social structure that is not easy for outsiders to understand on the strength of the limited observations made so far. One important element of the civilization is the so-called 'Clades', which clearly play a vital role in all aspects of the Collective. The Veles Clade seems to be made up of many subclades and is seemingly very strong in the fields of heavy space industry, communications technology and high-energy exotic particle physics. The Veles Clade seems to prize discourse and diplomacy, after a fashion, over strife – that is, if the evidence has been understood correctly.
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