Share Station - 4C-B7X VIII - Moon 1 - Outer Ring Excavations Mining Outpost

4C-B7X VIII - Moon 1 - Outer Ring Excavations Mining Outpost
Station informations
Operation Name Mining Outpost
Alliance -
Corporation Outer Ring Excavations
System UniverseMap 4C-B7X
Constellation UniverseConstellation Heart
Region UniverseMap Outer Ring
Orbit 4C-B7X VIII - Moon 1
Services Bounty Missions
Courier Missions
Loyalty Point Store
Navy Offices
Office Rental
Repair Facilities
Reprocessing Plant
Parts of the information are manually imported via cache files. Last Cache Update: 0000-00-00 00:00:00


Mines minerals from asteroid belts/clouds.

Agents [8]

Name Corporation Division / Type / Research Loc. Agent Level Quality
Paere Ambelbique Outer Ring Excavations Yes 1 -
Ilotelle Algette Outer Ring Excavations - GenericStorylineMissionAgent - 1 -
Tevis Jak Outer Ring Excavations - EpicArcAgent - 1 -
Hjon Slurnerger Outer Ring Excavations - 2 -
Agutigur Aetangur Outer Ring Excavations - 2 -
Yngveibad Askardald Outer Ring Excavations - 2 -
Hakkuna Baille Outer Ring Excavations - EventMissionAgent - 4 -
Daemire Adamia Outer Ring Excavations - EventMissionAgent - 4 -
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