Share Station - Youl VII - Moon 10 - Amarr Navy Logistic Support

Youl VII - Moon 10 - Amarr Navy Logistic Support
Station informations
Operation Name Logistic Support
Alliance -
Corporation Amarr Navy
System UniverseMap Youl
Constellation UniverseConstellation Zemont
Region UniverseMap Domain
Orbit Youl VII - Moon 10
Services Bounty Missions
Courier Missions
Loyalty Point Store
Navy Offices
Office Rental
Repair Facilities
Reprocessing Plant
Parts of the information are manually imported via cache files. Last Cache Update: 0000-00-00 00:00:00


Stores product and freights goods to external retailers.

Agents [8]

Name Corporation Division / Type / Research Loc. Agent Level Quality
Oyoorad Harah Amarr Navy Yes 1 -
Hekhem Moranour Amarr Navy - 1 -
Ain Ikani Amarr Navy - EventMissionAgent - 1 -
Ezia Minaru Amarr Navy - GenericStorylineMissionAgent - 1 -
Alaz Chaktaren Amarr Navy Yes 2 -
Fasri Horshandas Amarr Navy - 2 -
Kuli Ebon Amarr Navy - 2 -
Azih Joelrie Amarr Navy - 2 -
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API J:21 Mar 08:13 K:21 Mar 08:36 C:21 Mar 08:55 A:21 Mar 08:35 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:21 Mar 08:35 S:21 Mar 08:42 W:21 Mar 08:15