System Share

Name UniverseMap A-1CON Planets 11 Jumps 1h/24h 15 347
Region UniverseMap Fountain Moons 28 Ship Kills 0 4
Constellation UniverseConstellation Phoenix Belts/Icebelts 9 NPC Kills 11 944
Security Level -0.08 Security Class J Pod Kills 0 0
Alliance, Corp - Local Pirates Serpentis
Minerals Jaspet, Plagioclase, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

Lowsec System (19 Jumps)
Map Aridia Station SystemMap Hophib 0.1 Amarr Empire
Show Route Show Route A-1CON Goto YZ-LQL Goto Z30S-A Goto 671-ST Goto ESC-RI Goto UAYL-F Goto K8L-X7 Goto Y-1W01 Goto E-BWUU Goto IR-WT1 Goto 3WE-KY Goto 9-VO0Q Goto PNQY-Y Goto RP2-OQ Goto YVBE-E Goto BYXF-Q Goto P5-EFH Goto L-A5XP Goto D4KU-5 Goto Hophib

Highsec System (23 Jumps)
Map Aridia Station SystemMap Keba 0.5 Amarr Empire
Show Route Show Route A-1CON Goto YZ-LQL Goto Z30S-A Goto 671-ST Goto ESC-RI Goto UAYL-F Goto K8L-X7 Goto Y-1W01 Goto E-BWUU Goto IR-WT1 Goto 3WE-KY Goto 9-VO0Q Goto PNQY-Y Goto RP2-OQ Goto YVBE-E Goto BYXF-Q Goto P5-EFH Goto L-A5XP Goto D4KU-5 Goto Hophib Goto Karan Goto Fobiner Goto Bapraya Goto Keba

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Fountain Station SystemMap A-1CON -0.08 Serpentis A-1CON X - Moon 10 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical StorageChemical StorageA-1CON X - Moon 10 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical Storage
Map Fountain Station SystemMap A-1CON -0.08 Serpentis A-1CON X - Moon 2 - Salvation Angels WarehouseWarehouseA-1CON X - Moon 2 - Salvation Angels Warehouse
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Fountain Station SystemMap A-1CON -0.08 Serpentis A-1CON X - Moon 10 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical StorageChemical StorageA-1CON X - Moon 10 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical Storage
Map Fountain Station SystemMap A-1CON -0.08 Serpentis A-1CON X - Moon 2 - Salvation Angels WarehouseWarehouseA-1CON X - Moon 2 - Salvation Angels Warehouse
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service (1 Jump)
Map Fountain Station SystemMap YZ-LQL -0.11 Serpentis YZ-LQL VI - Moon 19 - Guardian Angels Logistic SupportLogistic SupportYZ-LQL VI - Moon 19 - Guardian Angels Logistic Support
Show Route Show Route A-1CON Goto YZ-LQL

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Fountain Station SystemMap A-1CON -0.08 Serpentis A-1CON X - Moon 10 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical StorageChemical StorageA-1CON X - Moon 10 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical Storage
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots (2 Jumps)
Map Fountain Station SystemMap Serpentis Prime -0.12 Serpentis Serpentis Prime II - Archangels Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesSerpentis Prime II - Archangels Testing Facilities
Map Fountain Station SystemMap Serpentis Prime -0.12 Serpentis Serpentis Prime VI - Moon 1 - Serpentis Inquest Biotech Research CenterBiotech Research CenterSerpentis Prime VI - Moon 1 - Serpentis Inquest Biotech Research Center
Map Fountain Station SystemMap Serpentis Prime -0.12 Serpentis Serpentis Prime VIII - Moon 2 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical RefineryChemical RefinerySerpentis Prime VIII - Moon 2 - Serpentis Corporation Chemical Refinery
Show Route Show Route A-1CON Goto YZ-LQL Goto Serpentis Prime

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