System Share

Name UniverseMap Egghelende Planets 8 Jumps 1h/24h 93 2689
Region UniverseMap Sinq Laison Moons 79 Ship Kills 0 12
Constellation UniverseConstellation Stion Belts/Icebelts 12 NPC Kills 2 248
Security Level 0.4 Security Class D2 Pod Kills 0 16
Faction Gallente Federation Local Pirates Serpentis
Minerals Jaspet, Plagioclase, Scordite, Veldspar, Omber (not accurate)

Agents [9]

Name Corporation Division / Type / Research Loc. Agent Level Quality
Egghelende VII - Moon 22 - Roden Shipyards FactoryEgghelende VII - Moon 22 - Roden Shipyards Factory
Beliaerdt Guinnon Roden Shipyards - 2 -
Houvire Takaerne Roden Shipyards : Gallente, Plasma, Quantum, Rocket - 3 0
Egghelende VI - Moon 19 - Chemal Tech FactoryEgghelende VI - Moon 19 - Chemal Tech Factory
Brens Tilpourel Chemal Tech - 1 -
Avrue Obarmant Chemal Tech - 3 -
Penagier Rieres Chemal Tech - 4 -
Egghelende IV - Moon 1 - FedMart WarehouseEgghelende IV - Moon 1 - FedMart Warehouse
Arble Entel FedMart - 4 -
Egghelende V - Moon 13 - University of CailleEgghelende V - Moon 13 - University of Caille
Ancye Egghonelle University of Caille - 1 -
Egghelende VII - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly PlantEgghelende VII - Moon 20 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant
Cloellire Moncitant Federation Navy - 2 -
Paiesint Juritte Federation Navy Yes 4 -
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