System Share

Name UniverseMap Gehi Planets 9 Jumps 1h/24h 27 729
Region UniverseMap Khanid Moons 26 Ship Kills 0 2
Constellation UniverseConstellation Seevadin Belts/Icebelts 5 NPC Kills 0 0
Security Level 0.3 Security Class B2 Pod Kills 0 2
Faction Khanid Kingdom Local Pirates Blood Raiders
Minerals Jaspet, Kernite, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (4 Jumps)
Map Querious Station SystemMap A2-V27 -0.39 Brave Collective (5)
Show Route Show Route Gehi Goto Claini Goto Ashmarir Goto Kaira Goto A2-V27

Highsec System (3 Jumps)
Map Khanid Map Arzanni 0.6 Khanid Kingdom
Show Route Show Route Gehi Goto Claini Goto Ashmarir Goto Arzanni

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Khanid Station SystemMap Gehi 0.3 Khanid Kingdom Gehi IX - Moon 4 - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly PlantAssembly PlantGehi IX - Moon 4 - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Khanid Station SystemMap Gehi 0.3 Khanid Kingdom Gehi IX - Moon 4 - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly PlantAssembly PlantGehi IX - Moon 4 - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service (5 Jumps)
Map Khanid Station SystemMap Baratar 0.2 Khanid Kingdom Baratar X - Moon 9 - Royal Khanid Navy Logistic SupportLogistic SupportBaratar X - Moon 9 - Royal Khanid Navy Logistic Support
Show Route Show Route Gehi Goto Vezila Goto Ham Goto Amafi Goto Ashkoo Goto Baratar

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Khanid Station SystemMap Gehi 0.3 Khanid Kingdom Gehi IX - Moon 4 - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly PlantAssembly PlantGehi IX - Moon 4 - Royal Khanid Navy Assembly Plant
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots (5 Jumps)
Map Khanid Station SystemMap Arzieh 0.3 Khanid Kingdom Arzieh V - Moon 3 - Royal Khanid Navy Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesArzieh V - Moon 3 - Royal Khanid Navy Testing Facilities
Show Route Show Route Gehi Goto Vezila Goto Ham Goto Amafi Goto Hakana Goto Arzieh

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