System Share

Name UniverseMap Gergish Planets 10 Jumps 1h/24h 53 1494
Region UniverseMap Genesis Moons 52 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Reya Belts/Icebelts 13 NPC Kills 15 546
Security Level 0.6 Security Class B1 Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Amarr Empire Local Pirates Blood Raiders
Minerals Kernite, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (15 Jumps)
Map Syndicate Map PF-346 -0.35 The Syndicate
Show Route Show Route Gergish Goto Madomi Goto Doza Goto Heorah Goto Nasreri Goto Girani-Fa Goto Aydoteaux Goto Tolle Goto Manarq Goto Kemerk Goto Arant Goto Villore Goto Pemene Goto Mesybier Goto Orvolle Goto PF-346

Lowsec System (2 Jumps)
Map Genesis Station SystemMap Ziasad 0.4 Amarr Empire
Show Route Show Route Gergish Goto Sibe Goto Ziasad

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Genesis Station SystemMap Gergish 0.6 Amarr Empire Gergish IX - Moon 10 - Wiyrkomi Corporation FactoryFactoryGergish IX - Moon 10 - Wiyrkomi Corporation Factory
Map Genesis Station SystemMap Gergish 0.6 Amarr Empire Gergish X - Moon 3 - Royal Amarr Institute SchoolSchoolGergish X - Moon 3 - Royal Amarr Institute School
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Genesis Station SystemMap Gergish 0.6 Amarr Empire Gergish IX - Moon 10 - Wiyrkomi Corporation FactoryFactoryGergish IX - Moon 10 - Wiyrkomi Corporation Factory
Map Genesis Station SystemMap Gergish 0.6 Amarr Empire Gergish X - Moon 3 - Royal Amarr Institute SchoolSchoolGergish X - Moon 3 - Royal Amarr Institute School
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Genesis Station SystemMap Gergish 0.6 Amarr Empire Gergish X - Moon 3 - Royal Amarr Institute SchoolSchoolGergish X - Moon 3 - Royal Amarr Institute School
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Genesis Station SystemMap Gergish 0.6 Amarr Empire Gergish IX - Moon 10 - Wiyrkomi Corporation FactoryFactoryGergish IX - Moon 10 - Wiyrkomi Corporation Factory
Map Genesis Station SystemMap Gergish 0.6 Amarr Empire Gergish X - Moon 3 - Royal Amarr Institute SchoolSchoolGergish X - Moon 3 - Royal Amarr Institute School
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots (3 Jumps)
Map Genesis Station SystemMap Toon 0.4 Amarr Empire Toon VIII - Moon 2 - Genolution Biotech Research CenterBiotech Research CenterToon VIII - Moon 2 - Genolution Biotech Research Center
Show Route Show Route Gergish Goto Sibe Goto Makhwasan Goto Toon

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