System Share

Name UniverseMap KA6D-K Planets 7 Jumps 1h/24h 12 228
Region UniverseMap Catch Moons 58 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation T-HHHT Belts/Icebelts 0 NPC Kills 0 41
Security Level -0.24 Security Class I Pod Kills 0 0
Alliance, Corp D3ad End <D3AD>, Funeral Parlar. Local Pirates Sanshas
Minerals Hedbergite, Hemorphite, Scordite, Veldspar, Omber (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

Lowsec System (9 Jumps)
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Assah 0.3 Ammatar Mandate
Show Route Show Route KA6D-K Goto J6QB-P Goto TA3T-3 Goto G-AOTH Goto ZQ-Z3Y Goto 9UY4-H Goto 4B-NQN Goto 9-F0B2 Goto G-5EN2 Goto Assah

Highsec System (9 Jumps)
Map Tash-Murkon Map Kari 0.6 Amarr Empire
Show Route Show Route KA6D-K Goto J6QB-P Goto TA3T-3 Goto G-AOTH Goto ZQ-Z3Y Goto 9UY4-H Goto H6-CX8 Goto D61A-G Goto Y-MPWL Goto Kari

Station(s) with Refining Abilities (9 Jumps)
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Assah 0.3 Ammatar Mandate Assah IX - Moon 1 - Imperial Armaments FactoryFactoryAssah IX - Moon 1 - Imperial Armaments Factory
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Assah 0.3 Ammatar Mandate Assah V - Moon 14 - Trust Partners WarehouseWarehouseAssah V - Moon 14 - Trust Partners Warehouse
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Assah 0.3 Ammatar Mandate Assah VII - Moon 7 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAssah VII - Moon 7 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly Plant
Show Route Show Route KA6D-K Goto J6QB-P Goto TA3T-3 Goto G-AOTH Goto ZQ-Z3Y Goto 9UY4-H Goto 4B-NQN Goto 9-F0B2 Goto G-5EN2 Goto Assah

Station(s) with Repair Facilities (9 Jumps)
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Assah 0.3 Ammatar Mandate Assah IX - Moon 1 - Imperial Armaments FactoryFactoryAssah IX - Moon 1 - Imperial Armaments Factory
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Assah 0.3 Ammatar Mandate Assah V - Moon 14 - Trust Partners WarehouseWarehouseAssah V - Moon 14 - Trust Partners Warehouse
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Assah 0.3 Ammatar Mandate Assah VII - Moon 7 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAssah VII - Moon 7 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly Plant
Show Route Show Route KA6D-K Goto J6QB-P Goto TA3T-3 Goto G-AOTH Goto ZQ-Z3Y Goto 9UY4-H Goto 4B-NQN Goto 9-F0B2 Goto G-5EN2 Goto Assah

Station(s) with Medical Service (10 Jumps)
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Nakah 0.4 Ammatar Mandate Nakah I - Moon 1 - Thukker Mix FactoryFactoryNakah I - Moon 1 - Thukker Mix Factory
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Nakah 0.4 Ammatar Mandate Nakah IV - Moon 1 - Ammatar Fleet Logistic SupportLogistic SupportNakah IV - Moon 1 - Ammatar Fleet Logistic Support
Show Route Show Route KA6D-K Goto J6QB-P Goto TA3T-3 Goto G-AOTH Goto ZQ-Z3Y Goto 9UY4-H Goto 4B-NQN Goto 9-F0B2 Goto G-5EN2 Goto Assah Goto Nakah

Station(s) with Factory Slots (9 Jumps)
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Assah 0.3 Ammatar Mandate Assah IX - Moon 1 - Imperial Armaments FactoryFactoryAssah IX - Moon 1 - Imperial Armaments Factory
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Assah 0.3 Ammatar Mandate Assah VII - Moon 7 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAssah VII - Moon 7 - Ammatar Fleet Assembly Plant
Show Route Show Route KA6D-K Goto J6QB-P Goto TA3T-3 Goto G-AOTH Goto ZQ-Z3Y Goto 9UY4-H Goto 4B-NQN Goto 9-F0B2 Goto G-5EN2 Goto Assah

Station(s) with Research Slots (10 Jumps)
Map Derelik Station SystemMap Nakah 0.4 Ammatar Mandate Nakah I - Moon 1 - Thukker Mix FactoryFactoryNakah I - Moon 1 - Thukker Mix Factory
Show Route Show Route KA6D-K Goto J6QB-P Goto TA3T-3 Goto G-AOTH Goto ZQ-Z3Y Goto 9UY4-H Goto 4B-NQN Goto 9-F0B2 Goto G-5EN2 Goto Assah Goto Nakah

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