System Share

Name UniverseMap Litiura Planets 9 Jumps 1h/24h 333 9012
Region UniverseMap Lonetrek Moons 34 Ship Kills 0 43
Constellation UniverseConstellation Minnen Belts/Icebelts 4 NPC Kills 107 5161
Security Level 0.5 Security Class C Pod Kills 0 4
Faction Caldari State Local Pirates Guristas
Minerals Plagioclase, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (9 Jumps)
Map Pure Blind Station SystemMap EC-P8R -0.45 Banderlogs Alliance (5)
Show Route Show Route Litiura Goto Elonaya Goto Piak Goto Haajinen Goto Oipo Goto Isinokka Goto Yoma Goto Ibura Goto Torrinos Goto EC-P8R

Lowsec System (1 Jump)
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Passari 0.4 Caldari State
Show Route Show Route Litiura Goto Passari

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura I - Caldari Constructions Production PlantProduction PlantLitiura I - Caldari Constructions Production Plant
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura IX - Joint Harvesting PlantationPlantationLitiura IX - Joint Harvesting Plantation
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura VII - Moon 4 - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral ReserveMineral ReserveLitiura VII - Moon 4 - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral Reserve
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura VIII - Caldari Constructions Production PlantProduction PlantLitiura VIII - Caldari Constructions Production Plant
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura VIII - Moon 12 - Caldari Navy Logistic SupportLogistic SupportLitiura VIII - Moon 12 - Caldari Navy Logistic Support
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura VIII - Moon 7 - Caldari Funds Unlimited VaultVaultLitiura VIII - Moon 7 - Caldari Funds Unlimited Vault
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura VIII - Moon 8 - Ducia Foundry Mining OutpostMining OutpostLitiura VIII - Moon 8 - Ducia Foundry Mining Outpost
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura I - Caldari Constructions Production PlantProduction PlantLitiura I - Caldari Constructions Production Plant
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura VII - Moon 4 - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral ReserveMineral ReserveLitiura VII - Moon 4 - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral Reserve
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura VIII - Caldari Constructions Production PlantProduction PlantLitiura VIII - Caldari Constructions Production Plant
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura VIII - Moon 12 - Caldari Navy Logistic SupportLogistic SupportLitiura VIII - Moon 12 - Caldari Navy Logistic Support
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura VIII - Moon 8 - Ducia Foundry Mining OutpostMining OutpostLitiura VIII - Moon 8 - Ducia Foundry Mining Outpost
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura VIII - Moon 12 - Caldari Navy Logistic SupportLogistic SupportLitiura VIII - Moon 12 - Caldari Navy Logistic Support
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura I - Caldari Constructions Production PlantProduction PlantLitiura I - Caldari Constructions Production Plant
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Litiura 0.5 Caldari State Litiura VIII - Caldari Constructions Production PlantProduction PlantLitiura VIII - Caldari Constructions Production Plant
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots (1 Jump)
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Elonaya 0.7 Caldari State Elonaya X - Moon 4 - Lai Dai Corporation FactoryFactoryElonaya X - Moon 4 - Lai Dai Corporation Factory
Show Route Show Route Litiura Goto Elonaya

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