System Share

Name UniverseMap MJI3-8 Planets 6 Jumps 1h/24h 17 196
Region UniverseMap Tribute Moons 43 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation 1P-VL2 Belts/Icebelts 10 +1 NPC Kills 96 4846
Security Level -0.20 Security Class H Pod Kills 0 4
Alliance, Corp Fraternity. <FRMT>, Fraternity Building Management Local Pirates Guristas
Minerals/Ice Hemorphite, Jaspet, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar, Dark Glitter, Gelidus, Pristine White Glaze (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

Lowsec System (3 Jumps)
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Taisy 0.3 Caldari State
Show Route Show Route MJI3-8 Goto V0DF-2 Goto M-OEE8 Goto Taisy

Highsec System (5 Jumps)
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Oimmo 0.5 Caldari State
Show Route Show Route MJI3-8 Goto V0DF-2 Goto M-OEE8 Goto Taisy Goto Otsasai Goto Oimmo

Station(s) with Refining Abilities (3 Jumps)
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Taisy 0.3 Caldari State Taisy III - Minedrill RefineryRefineryTaisy III - Minedrill Refinery
Show Route Show Route MJI3-8 Goto V0DF-2 Goto M-OEE8 Goto Taisy

Station(s) with Repair Facilities (3 Jumps)
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Taisy 0.3 Caldari State Taisy III - Minedrill RefineryRefineryTaisy III - Minedrill Refinery
Show Route Show Route MJI3-8 Goto V0DF-2 Goto M-OEE8 Goto Taisy

Station(s) with Medical Service (4 Jumps)
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Otsasai 0.3 Caldari State Otsasai VII - Moon 10 - Caldari Business TribunalTribunalOtsasai VII - Moon 10 - Caldari Business Tribunal
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Otsasai 0.3 Caldari State Otsasai VII - Moon 6 - Caldari Business Tribunal AccountingAccountingOtsasai VII - Moon 6 - Caldari Business Tribunal Accounting
Show Route Show Route MJI3-8 Goto V0DF-2 Goto M-OEE8 Goto Taisy Goto Otsasai

Station(s) with Factory Slots (4 Jumps)
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Otsasai 0.3 Caldari State Otsasai VIII - Moon 18 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly PlantAssembly PlantOtsasai VIII - Moon 18 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Otsasai 0.3 Caldari State Otsasai VIII - Moon 3 - Caldari Navy Assembly PlantAssembly PlantOtsasai VIII - Moon 3 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Otsasai 0.3 Caldari State Otsasai VIII - Moon 8 - Caldari Navy Assembly PlantAssembly PlantOtsasai VIII - Moon 8 - Caldari Navy Assembly Plant
Show Route Show Route MJI3-8 Goto V0DF-2 Goto M-OEE8 Goto Taisy Goto Otsasai

Station(s) with Research Slots (4 Jumps)
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Hakonen 0.3 Caldari State Hakonen VII - Moon 7 - Ishukone Corporation FactoryFactoryHakonen VII - Moon 7 - Ishukone Corporation Factory
Show Route Show Route MJI3-8 Goto V0DF-2 Goto M-OEE8 Goto Taisy Goto Hakonen

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