System Share

Name UniverseMap Mimime Planets 6 Jumps 1h/24h 31 1247
Region UniverseMap Tash-Murkon Moons 48 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Damadil Belts/Icebelts 12 NPC Kills 0 406
Security Level 0.8 Security Class B Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Amarr Empire Local Pirates Sanshas
Minerals Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (8 Jumps)
Map Catch Station SystemMap HED-GP -0.15 Goonswarm Federation (5)
Show Route Show Route Mimime Goto Gousoviba Goto Kihtaled Goto Ipref Goto Agil Goto Bukah Goto Lansez Goto Keberz Goto HED-GP

Lowsec System (7 Jumps)
Map Khanid Map Efa 0.4 Khanid Kingdom
Show Route Show Route Mimime Goto Gousoviba Goto Kihtaled Goto Jachanu Goto Sazre Goto Badivefi Goto Tzashrah Goto Efa

Station(s) with Refining Abilities (1 Jump)
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni V - Moon 4 - Ministry of Assessment Bureau OfficesBureau OfficesHostni V - Moon 4 - Ministry of Assessment Bureau Offices
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni VI - Moon 7 - Ministry of Assessment Information CenterInformation CenterHostni VI - Moon 7 - Ministry of Assessment Information Center
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni VII - Moon 11 - Theology Council TribunalTribunalHostni VII - Moon 11 - Theology Council Tribunal
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni VII - Moon 14 - Theology Council TribunalTribunalHostni VII - Moon 14 - Theology Council Tribunal
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni VII - Moon 18 - DED Assembly PlantAssembly PlantHostni VII - Moon 18 - DED Assembly Plant
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni VII - Moon 8 - Tash-Murkon Family BureauBureauHostni VII - Moon 8 - Tash-Murkon Family Bureau
Show Route Show Route Mimime Goto Hostni

Station(s) with Repair Facilities (1 Jump)
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni VII - Moon 11 - Theology Council TribunalTribunalHostni VII - Moon 11 - Theology Council Tribunal
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni VII - Moon 14 - Theology Council TribunalTribunalHostni VII - Moon 14 - Theology Council Tribunal
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni VII - Moon 18 - DED Assembly PlantAssembly PlantHostni VII - Moon 18 - DED Assembly Plant
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni VII - Moon 8 - Tash-Murkon Family BureauBureauHostni VII - Moon 8 - Tash-Murkon Family Bureau
Show Route Show Route Mimime Goto Hostni

Station(s) with Medical Service (1 Jump)
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni V - Moon 4 - Ministry of Assessment Bureau OfficesBureau OfficesHostni V - Moon 4 - Ministry of Assessment Bureau Offices
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni VII - Moon 11 - Theology Council TribunalTribunalHostni VII - Moon 11 - Theology Council Tribunal
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni VII - Moon 14 - Theology Council TribunalTribunalHostni VII - Moon 14 - Theology Council Tribunal
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni VII - Moon 8 - Tash-Murkon Family BureauBureauHostni VII - Moon 8 - Tash-Murkon Family Bureau
Show Route Show Route Mimime Goto Hostni

Station(s) with Factory Slots (1 Jump)
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Hostni 0.8 Amarr Empire Hostni VII - Moon 18 - DED Assembly PlantAssembly PlantHostni VII - Moon 18 - DED Assembly Plant
Show Route Show Route Mimime Goto Hostni

Station(s) with Research Slots (1 Jump)
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Perdan 0.9 Amarr Empire Perdan VI - Moon 16 - DED Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesPerdan VI - Moon 16 - DED Testing Facilities
Show Route Show Route Mimime Goto Perdan

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