System Share

Name UniverseMap Nahyeen Planets 9 Jumps 1h/24h 73 1609
Region UniverseMap Kor-Azor Moons 8 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Nimedaz Belts/Icebelts 3 NPC Kills 188 4913
Security Level 0.8 Security Class B Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Amarr Empire Local Pirates Blood Raiders
Minerals Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (12 Jumps)
Map Providence Station SystemMap R3-K7K -0.03 LinkNet (5)
Show Route Show Route Nahyeen Goto Andrub Goto Nahol Goto Tadadan Goto Gademam Goto Sakhti Goto Nomash Goto Shousran Goto Yong Goto Biphi Goto Mamet Goto Misaba Goto R3-K7K

Lowsec System (3 Jumps)
Map Kor-Azor Map Atarli 0.4 Amarr Empire
Show Route Show Route Nahyeen Goto Nibainkier Goto Shokal Goto Atarli

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen IX - Moon 1 - Amarr Civil Service Information CenterInformation CenterNahyeen IX - Moon 1 - Amarr Civil Service Information Center
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen IX - Moon 3 - Kor-Azor Family BureauBureauNahyeen IX - Moon 3 - Kor-Azor Family Bureau
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen IX - Moon 3 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly PlantAssembly PlantNahyeen IX - Moon 3 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen VI - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly PlantAssembly PlantNahyeen VI - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen VII - Amarr Civil Service Bureau OfficesBureau OfficesNahyeen VII - Amarr Civil Service Bureau Offices
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen VII - Zoar and Sons FactoryFactoryNahyeen VII - Zoar and Sons Factory
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen VIII - Moon 1 - Kor-Azor Family BureauBureauNahyeen VIII - Moon 1 - Kor-Azor Family Bureau
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen IX - Moon 3 - Kor-Azor Family BureauBureauNahyeen IX - Moon 3 - Kor-Azor Family Bureau
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen IX - Moon 3 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly PlantAssembly PlantNahyeen IX - Moon 3 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen VI - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly PlantAssembly PlantNahyeen VI - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen VII - Zoar and Sons FactoryFactoryNahyeen VII - Zoar and Sons Factory
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen VIII - Moon 1 - Kor-Azor Family BureauBureauNahyeen VIII - Moon 1 - Kor-Azor Family Bureau
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen IX - Moon 3 - Kor-Azor Family BureauBureauNahyeen IX - Moon 3 - Kor-Azor Family Bureau
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen VII - Amarr Civil Service Bureau OfficesBureau OfficesNahyeen VII - Amarr Civil Service Bureau Offices
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen VIII - Moon 1 - Kor-Azor Family BureauBureauNahyeen VIII - Moon 1 - Kor-Azor Family Bureau
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen IX - Moon 3 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly PlantAssembly PlantNahyeen IX - Moon 3 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen VI - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly PlantAssembly PlantNahyeen VI - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant
Map Kor-Azor Station SystemMap Nahyeen 0.8 Amarr Empire Nahyeen VII - Zoar and Sons FactoryFactoryNahyeen VII - Zoar and Sons Factory
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots (3 Jumps)
Map Kador Station SystemMap Kador Prime 0.6 Amarr Empire Kador Prime IX - Moon 2 - Kaalakiota Corporation FactoryFactoryKador Prime IX - Moon 2 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory
Show Route Show Route Nahyeen Goto Danyana Goto Dantan Goto Kador Prime

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