System Share

Name UniverseMap Ofstold Planets 7 Jumps 1h/24h 84 1027
Region UniverseMap Metropolis Moons 56 Ship Kills 0 40
Constellation UniverseConstellation Aldodan Belts/Icebelts 25 NPC Kills 268 2976
Security Level 0.3 Security Class E Pod Kills 0 17
Faction Minmatar Republic Local Pirates Angels
Minerals Kernite, Plagioclase, Scordite, Veldspar, Omber (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (4 Jumps)
Map Geminate Map EOA-ZC -0.07 SONS of BANE (5)
Show Route Show Route Ofstold Goto Evati Goto Todifrauan Goto Akkio Goto EOA-ZC

Highsec System (2 Jumps)
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Anher 0.5 Minmatar Republic
Show Route Show Route Ofstold Goto Evati Goto Anher

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Ofstold 0.3 Minmatar Republic Ofstold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic SupportLogistic SupportOfstold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Ofstold 0.3 Minmatar Republic Ofstold V - Moon 13 - Republic Fleet Logistic SupportLogistic SupportOfstold V - Moon 13 - Republic Fleet Logistic Support
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Ofstold 0.3 Minmatar Republic Ofstold VI - Moon 15 - Republic Justice Department Law SchoolLaw SchoolOfstold VI - Moon 15 - Republic Justice Department Law School
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Ofstold 0.3 Minmatar Republic Ofstold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic SupportLogistic SupportOfstold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Ofstold 0.3 Minmatar Republic Ofstold V - Moon 13 - Republic Fleet Logistic SupportLogistic SupportOfstold V - Moon 13 - Republic Fleet Logistic Support
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Ofstold 0.3 Minmatar Republic Ofstold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic SupportLogistic SupportOfstold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Ofstold 0.3 Minmatar Republic Ofstold V - Moon 13 - Republic Fleet Logistic SupportLogistic SupportOfstold V - Moon 13 - Republic Fleet Logistic Support
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Ofstold 0.3 Minmatar Republic Ofstold VI - Moon 15 - Republic Justice Department Law SchoolLaw SchoolOfstold VI - Moon 15 - Republic Justice Department Law School
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots (1 Jump)
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Evati 0.2 Amarr Empire Evati IX - Moon 1 - DED Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEvati IX - Moon 1 - DED Assembly Plant
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Evati 0.2 Amarr Empire Evati IX - Moon 12 - Republic Fleet Assembly PlantAssembly PlantEvati IX - Moon 12 - Republic Fleet Assembly Plant
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Evati 0.2 Amarr Empire Evati V - Moon 1 - Boundless Creation FactoryFactoryEvati V - Moon 1 - Boundless Creation Factory
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Evati 0.2 Amarr Empire Evati VII - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation WarehouseWarehouseEvati VII - Moon 1 - Kaalakiota Corporation Warehouse
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Evati 0.2 Amarr Empire Evati X - Moon 2 - Boundless Creation FactoryFactoryEvati X - Moon 2 - Boundless Creation Factory
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Evati 0.2 Amarr Empire Evati X - Moon 2 - Kaalakiota Corporation FactoryFactoryEvati X - Moon 2 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory
Show Route Show Route Ofstold Goto Evati

Station(s) with Research Slots (1 Jump)
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Lasleinur 0.2 Minmatar Republic Lasleinur IV - Moon 16 - Thukker Mix FactoryFactoryLasleinur IV - Moon 16 - Thukker Mix Factory
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Lasleinur 0.2 Minmatar Republic Lasleinur VI - Moon 15 - Kaalakiota Corporation FactoryFactoryLasleinur VI - Moon 15 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory
Show Route Show Route Ofstold Goto Lasleinur

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