System Share

Name UniverseMap Orfrold Planets 8 Jumps 1h/24h 53 715
Region UniverseMap Metropolis Moons 32 Ship Kills 1 10
Constellation UniverseConstellation Angils Belts/Icebelts 5 NPC Kills 0 472
Security Level 0.2 Security Class E1 Pod Kills 0 4
Faction Minmatar Republic Local Pirates Angels
Minerals Hedbergite, Kernite, Plagioclase, Scordite, Veldspar, Omber (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (6 Jumps)
Map Geminate Map EOA-ZC -0.07 SONS of BANE (5)
Show Route Show Route Orfrold Goto Egmar Goto Arnher Goto Evati Goto Todifrauan Goto Akkio Goto EOA-ZC

Highsec System (4 Jumps)
Map Metropolis Map Hror 0.5 Minmatar Republic
Show Route Show Route Orfrold Goto Klogori Goto Hadozeko Goto Resbroko Goto Hror

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Orfrold 0.2 Amarr Empire Orfrold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic SupportLogistic SupportOrfrold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Orfrold 0.2 Amarr Empire Orfrold VII - Moon 8 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech ProductionBiotech ProductionOrfrold VII - Moon 8 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech Production
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Orfrold 0.2 Amarr Empire Orfrold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic SupportLogistic SupportOrfrold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Orfrold 0.2 Amarr Empire Orfrold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic SupportLogistic SupportOrfrold IV - Tribal Liberation Force Logistic Support
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Orfrold 0.2 Amarr Empire Orfrold VII - Moon 8 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech ProductionBiotech ProductionOrfrold VII - Moon 8 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech Production
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Orfrold 0.2 Amarr Empire Orfrold VII - Moon 8 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech ProductionBiotech ProductionOrfrold VII - Moon 8 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech Production
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots (2 Jumps)
Map Heimatar Station SystemMap Gulmorogod 0.4 Minmatar Republic Gulmorogod VII - Moon 16 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech Research CenterBiotech Research CenterGulmorogod VII - Moon 16 - Poteque Pharmaceuticals Biotech Research Center
Map Heimatar Station SystemMap Gulmorogod 0.4 Minmatar Republic Gulmorogod VIII - Moon 15 - Republic Security Services Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesGulmorogod VIII - Moon 15 - Republic Security Services Testing Facilities
Show Route Show Route Orfrold Goto Egmar Goto Gulmorogod

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