System Share

Name UniverseMap Pakkonen Planets 8 Jumps 1h/24h 11 226
Region UniverseMap Lonetrek Moons 47 Ship Kills 0 14
Constellation UniverseConstellation Makiriemi Belts/Icebelts 3 NPC Kills 8 627
Security Level 0.4 Security Class C1 Pod Kills 0 10
Faction Caldari State Local Pirates Guristas
Minerals Kernite, Plagioclase, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (11 Jumps)
Map Tribute Station SystemMap M-OEE8 -0.22 Fraternity. (5)
Show Route Show Route Pakkonen Goto Isikano Goto Isanamo Goto Saatuban Goto Piekura Goto Uosusuokko Goto Hageken Goto Vuorrassi Goto Oimmo Goto Otsasai Goto Taisy Goto M-OEE8

Highsec System (1 Jump)
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Isikano 0.7 Caldari State
Show Route Show Route Pakkonen Goto Isikano

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen I - Moon 1 - Nurtura PlantationPlantationPakkonen I - Moon 1 - Nurtura Plantation
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen II - Moon 1 - Caldari Constructions FoundryFoundryPakkonen II - Moon 1 - Caldari Constructions Foundry
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen IV - Moon 11 - Zainou Biotech Research CenterBiotech Research CenterPakkonen IV - Moon 11 - Zainou Biotech Research Center
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen IV - Moon 18 - Caldari Constructions FoundryFoundryPakkonen IV - Moon 18 - Caldari Constructions Foundry
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen IV - Moon 19 - Caldari Constructions Production PlantProduction PlantPakkonen IV - Moon 19 - Caldari Constructions Production Plant
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen V - Moon 4 - Caldari Constructions FoundryFoundryPakkonen V - Moon 4 - Caldari Constructions Foundry
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen V - Moon 6 - Nurtura PlantationPlantationPakkonen V - Moon 6 - Nurtura Plantation
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen V - Moon 7 - X-Sense Reprocessing FacilityReprocessing FacilityPakkonen V - Moon 7 - X-Sense Reprocessing Facility
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen V - Spacelane Patrol Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesPakkonen V - Spacelane Patrol Testing Facilities
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen II - Moon 1 - Caldari Constructions FoundryFoundryPakkonen II - Moon 1 - Caldari Constructions Foundry
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen IV - Moon 18 - Caldari Constructions FoundryFoundryPakkonen IV - Moon 18 - Caldari Constructions Foundry
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen IV - Moon 19 - Caldari Constructions Production PlantProduction PlantPakkonen IV - Moon 19 - Caldari Constructions Production Plant
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen V - Moon 4 - Caldari Constructions FoundryFoundryPakkonen V - Moon 4 - Caldari Constructions Foundry
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen V - Moon 7 - X-Sense Reprocessing FacilityReprocessing FacilityPakkonen V - Moon 7 - X-Sense Reprocessing Facility
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen V - Spacelane Patrol Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesPakkonen V - Spacelane Patrol Testing Facilities
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen IV - Moon 11 - Zainou Biotech Research CenterBiotech Research CenterPakkonen IV - Moon 11 - Zainou Biotech Research Center
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen II - Moon 1 - Caldari Constructions FoundryFoundryPakkonen II - Moon 1 - Caldari Constructions Foundry
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen IV - Moon 18 - Caldari Constructions FoundryFoundryPakkonen IV - Moon 18 - Caldari Constructions Foundry
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen IV - Moon 19 - Caldari Constructions Production PlantProduction PlantPakkonen IV - Moon 19 - Caldari Constructions Production Plant
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen V - Moon 4 - Caldari Constructions FoundryFoundryPakkonen V - Moon 4 - Caldari Constructions Foundry
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen V - Moon 7 - X-Sense Reprocessing FacilityReprocessing FacilityPakkonen V - Moon 7 - X-Sense Reprocessing Facility
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen V - Spacelane Patrol Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesPakkonen V - Spacelane Patrol Testing Facilities
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen IV - Moon 11 - Zainou Biotech Research CenterBiotech Research CenterPakkonen IV - Moon 11 - Zainou Biotech Research Center
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen V - Moon 7 - X-Sense Reprocessing FacilityReprocessing FacilityPakkonen V - Moon 7 - X-Sense Reprocessing Facility
Map Lonetrek Station SystemMap Pakkonen 0.4 Caldari State Pakkonen V - Spacelane Patrol Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesPakkonen V - Spacelane Patrol Testing Facilities
In System In System

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