System Share

Name UniverseMap Penirgman Planets 9 Jumps 1h/24h 151 4843
Region UniverseMap Domain Moons 22 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Parud Belts/Icebelts 7 NPC Kills 143 6099
Security Level 0.9 Security Class B Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Amarr Empire Local Pirates Sanshas
Minerals Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Agents [34]

Name Corporation Division / Type / Research Loc. Agent Level Quality
Penirgman V - Moon 3 - Ishukone Corporation FactoryPenirgman V - Moon 3 - Ishukone Corporation Factory
Ohvalainen Mawigechi Ishukone Corporation - 1 -
Sakehama Kannainen Ishukone Corporation : Caldari, Hydromagnetic, Quantum - 2 -11
Penirgman VII - Ishukone Corporation FactoryPenirgman VII - Ishukone Corporation Factory
Oksen Fusago Ishukone Corporation - 2 -
Kannanen Harpas Ishukone Corporation : Caldari, Hydromagnetic, Quantum Yes 3 -18
Penirgman IX - Moon 11 - Ishukone Corporation FactoryPenirgman IX - Moon 11 - Ishukone Corporation Factory
Naisto Vala Ishukone Corporation - 1 -
Ukio Ansenen Ishukone Corporation - Generic Storyline Mission Agent - 1 -
Ohmolen Uoro Ishukone Corporation - 2 -
Penirgman IX - Moon 2 - Ishukone Corporation FactoryPenirgman IX - Moon 2 - Ishukone Corporation Factory
Kangas Suori Ishukone Corporation : Caldari, Hydromagnetic, Quantum - 2 -15
Penirgman V - Moon 2 - Modern Finances DepositoryPenirgman V - Moon 2 - Modern Finances Depository
Pumenen Mokuwa Modern Finances - 2 -
Penirgman IX - Moon 7 - Modern Finances DepositoryPenirgman IX - Moon 7 - Modern Finances Depository
Uehuma Ulvas Modern Finances Yes 1 -
Penirgman IV - Imperial Armaments FactoryPenirgman IV - Imperial Armaments Factory
Vorayi Hina Imperial Armaments - 1 -
Hetras Dakumon Imperial Armaments - Event Mission Agent - 2 -
Amir Arshah Imperial Armaments - Event Mission Agent - 3 -
Penirgman IX - Moon 13 - Imperial Armaments FactoryPenirgman IX - Moon 13 - Imperial Armaments Factory
Anomun Sasama Imperial Armaments Yes 2 -
Penirgman V - Imperial Armaments FactoryPenirgman V - Imperial Armaments Factory
Latari Vahsha Imperial Armaments - 1 -
Penirgman IX - Moon 3 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly PlantPenirgman IX - Moon 3 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant
Shakah Yah Ministry of Internal Order - 1 -
Ashokon Bofazan Ministry of Internal Order - Generic Storyline Mission Agent - 1 -
Aneng Tzashrah Ministry of Internal Order - 3 -
Edami Dantan Ministry of Internal Order Yes 4 -
Penirgman VII - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly PlantPenirgman VII - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant
Tava Jopri Ministry of Internal Order - 1 -
Ninsas Badun Ministry of Internal Order - 2 -
Falian Khivad Ministry of Internal Order Yes 3 -
Penirgman VI - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly PlantPenirgman VI - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant
Chana Andichouz Ministry of Internal Order - 2 -
Penirgman IX - Moon 6 - Civic Court TribunalPenirgman IX - Moon 6 - Civic Court Tribunal
Fareer Shakah Civic Court - 1 -
Ked Adodanes Civic Court Yes 2 -
Penirgman VIII - Moon 2 - Theology Council TribunalPenirgman VIII - Moon 2 - Theology Council Tribunal
Ashyal Sit Theology Council - 1 -
Ja Urka Theology Council - 2 -
Magah Rahzan Theology Council - 3 -
Penirgman V - Moon 1 - Theology Council TribunalPenirgman V - Moon 1 - Theology Council Tribunal
Chemaz Sesmas Theology Council - 3 -
Penirgman IX - Moon 2 - Quafe Company FactoryPenirgman IX - Moon 2 - Quafe Company Factory
Brissellot Looligietres Quafe Company - Generic Storyline Mission Agent - 1 -
Audasueur Arnustene Quafe Company - 3 -
Penirgman IX - Moon 13 - Quafe Company FactoryPenirgman IX - Moon 13 - Quafe Company Factory
Bloutte Colockes Quafe Company - 4 -
Penirgman IX - Quafe Company FactoryPenirgman IX - Quafe Company Factory
Heuron Patecaere Quafe Company - 3 -
Penirgman IX - Moon 6 - Quafe Company FactoryPenirgman IX - Moon 6 - Quafe Company Factory
Monave Groo Quafe Company - 3 -
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