System Share

Name UniverseMap RF-K9W Planets 7 Jumps 1h/24h 219 3684
Region UniverseMap Delve Moons 44 Ship Kills 10 57
Constellation UniverseConstellation O5K-Y6 Belts/Icebelts 10 NPC Kills 40 1928
Security Level -0.02 Security Class G Pod Kills 8 41
Alliance, Corp Brave Collective <BRAVE>, Brave Holdings Local Pirates Blood Raiders
Minerals Kernite, Plagioclase, Scordite, Veldspar, Omber (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

Lowsec System (4 Jumps)
Map Aridia Station SystemMap Sakht 0.1 Amarr Empire
Show Route Show Route RF-K9W Goto AJI-MA Goto Q-HESZ Goto 1-SMEB Goto Sakht

Highsec System (10 Jumps)
Map Aridia Map Sazilid 0.5 Amarr Empire
Show Route Show Route RF-K9W Goto AJI-MA Goto Q-HESZ Goto 1-SMEB Goto Sakht Goto Tisot Goto Efu Goto Defsunun Goto Shafrak Goto Nalnifan Goto Sazilid

Station(s) with Refining Abilities (4 Jumps)
Map Delve Station SystemMap PR-8CA -0.03 Blood Raider Covenant PR-8CA III - Blood Raiders Logistic SupportLogistic SupportPR-8CA III - Blood Raiders Logistic Support
Show Route Show Route RF-K9W Goto AJI-MA Goto HM-XR2 Goto NOL-M9 Goto PR-8CA

Station(s) with Repair Facilities (4 Jumps)
Map Delve Station SystemMap PR-8CA -0.03 Blood Raider Covenant PR-8CA III - Blood Raiders Logistic SupportLogistic SupportPR-8CA III - Blood Raiders Logistic Support
Show Route Show Route RF-K9W Goto AJI-MA Goto HM-XR2 Goto NOL-M9 Goto PR-8CA

Station(s) with Medical Service (4 Jumps)
Map Delve Station SystemMap PR-8CA -0.03 Blood Raider Covenant PR-8CA III - Blood Raiders Logistic SupportLogistic SupportPR-8CA III - Blood Raiders Logistic Support
Show Route Show Route RF-K9W Goto AJI-MA Goto HM-XR2 Goto NOL-M9 Goto PR-8CA

Station(s) with Factory Slots (4 Jumps)
Map Aridia Station SystemMap Sakht 0.1 Amarr Empire Sakht VI - Moon 6 - Zoar and Sons FactoryFactorySakht VI - Moon 6 - Zoar and Sons Factory
Map Aridia Station SystemMap Sakht 0.1 Amarr Empire Sakht VI - Moon 7 - Genolution Biotech ProductionBiotech ProductionSakht VI - Moon 7 - Genolution Biotech Production
Show Route Show Route RF-K9W Goto AJI-MA Goto Q-HESZ Goto 1-SMEB Goto Sakht

Station(s) with Research Slots (6 Jumps)
Map Delve Station SystemMap G-TT5V -0.13 Blood Raider Covenant G-TT5V VII - Moon 11 - Blood Raiders Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesG-TT5V VII - Moon 11 - Blood Raiders Testing Facilities
Show Route Show Route RF-K9W Goto AJI-MA Goto HM-XR2 Goto NOL-M9 Goto PR-8CA Goto FWST-8 Goto G-TT5V

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