System Share

Name UniverseMap Raneilles Planets 9 Jumps 1h/24h 27 644
Region UniverseMap Verge Vendor Moons 50 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Obray Belts/Icebelts 8 NPC Kills 36 1865
Security Level 0.6 Security Class D1 Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Gallente Federation Local Pirates Serpentis
Minerals Plagioclase, Scordite, Veldspar, Omber (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (8 Jumps)
Map Syndicate Map MHC-R3 -0.03 The Syndicate
Show Route Show Route Raneilles Goto Vay Goto Eletta Goto Cistuvaert Goto Aidart Goto Stacmon Goto Ostingele Goto Harroule Goto MHC-R3

Lowsec System (1 Jump)
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Hevrice 0.4 Gallente Federation
Show Route Show Route Raneilles Goto Hevrice

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Raneilles 0.6 Gallente Federation Raneilles III - DED Assembly PlantAssembly PlantRaneilles III - DED Assembly Plant
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Raneilles 0.6 Gallente Federation Raneilles V - Moon 2 - DED Assembly PlantAssembly PlantRaneilles V - Moon 2 - DED Assembly Plant
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Raneilles 0.6 Gallente Federation Raneilles VI - Moon 1 - Garoun Investment Bank DepositoryDepositoryRaneilles VI - Moon 1 - Garoun Investment Bank Depository
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Raneilles 0.6 Gallente Federation Raneilles VI - Moon 14 - Core Complexion Inc. FactoryFactoryRaneilles VI - Moon 14 - Core Complexion Inc. Factory
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Raneilles 0.6 Gallente Federation Raneilles III - DED Assembly PlantAssembly PlantRaneilles III - DED Assembly Plant
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Raneilles 0.6 Gallente Federation Raneilles V - Moon 2 - DED Assembly PlantAssembly PlantRaneilles V - Moon 2 - DED Assembly Plant
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Raneilles 0.6 Gallente Federation Raneilles VI - Moon 14 - Core Complexion Inc. FactoryFactoryRaneilles VI - Moon 14 - Core Complexion Inc. Factory
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service (1 Jump)
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Ekuenbiron 0.8 Gallente Federation Ekuenbiron VI - Federation Customs Logistic SupportLogistic SupportEkuenbiron VI - Federation Customs Logistic Support
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Ekuenbiron 0.8 Gallente Federation Ekuenbiron VII - Moon 12 - Federation Customs Logistic SupportLogistic SupportEkuenbiron VII - Moon 12 - Federation Customs Logistic Support
Show Route Show Route Raneilles Goto Ekuenbiron

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Raneilles 0.6 Gallente Federation Raneilles III - DED Assembly PlantAssembly PlantRaneilles III - DED Assembly Plant
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Raneilles 0.6 Gallente Federation Raneilles V - Moon 2 - DED Assembly PlantAssembly PlantRaneilles V - Moon 2 - DED Assembly Plant
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Raneilles 0.6 Gallente Federation Raneilles VI - Moon 14 - Core Complexion Inc. FactoryFactoryRaneilles VI - Moon 14 - Core Complexion Inc. Factory
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots (2 Jumps)
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Scheenins 0.5 Gallente Federation Scheenins IV - Chemal Tech FactoryFactoryScheenins IV - Chemal Tech Factory
Map Verge Vendor Station SystemMap Scheenins 0.5 Gallente Federation Scheenins V - Moon 8 - Chemal Tech FactoryFactoryScheenins V - Moon 8 - Chemal Tech Factory
Show Route Show Route Raneilles Goto Vay Goto Scheenins

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