System Share

Name UniverseMap Shuria Planets 12 Jumps 1h/24h 76 1729
Region UniverseMap Domain Moons 69 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Mobit Belts/Icebelts 10 NPC Kills 77 3551
Security Level 0.5 Security Class B1 Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Amarr Empire Local Pirates Sanshas
Minerals Kernite, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (14 Jumps)
Map Providence Station SystemMap R3-K7K -0.03 LinkNet (5)
Show Route Show Route Shuria Goto Narai Goto Fensi Goto Ami Goto Daran Goto Pananan Goto Gademam Goto Sakhti Goto Nomash Goto Shousran Goto Yong Goto Biphi Goto Mamet Goto Misaba Goto R3-K7K

Lowsec System (1 Jump)
Map Domain Map Milal 0.3 Amarr Empire
Show Route Show Route Shuria Goto Milal

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Domain Station SystemMap Shuria 0.5 Amarr Empire Shuria IV - Moon 1 - Ministry of Internal Order Logistic SupportLogistic SupportShuria IV - Moon 1 - Ministry of Internal Order Logistic Support
Map Domain Station SystemMap Shuria 0.5 Amarr Empire Shuria X - Moon 10 - Amarr Civil Service Bureau OfficesBureau OfficesShuria X - Moon 10 - Amarr Civil Service Bureau Offices
Map Domain Station SystemMap Shuria 0.5 Amarr Empire Shuria X - Moon 16 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly PlantAssembly PlantShuria X - Moon 16 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant
Map Domain Station SystemMap Shuria 0.5 Amarr Empire Shuria XI - Imperial Shipment StorageStorageShuria XI - Imperial Shipment Storage
Map Domain Station SystemMap Shuria 0.5 Amarr Empire Shuria XI - Moon 2 - Ardishapur Family BureauBureauShuria XI - Moon 2 - Ardishapur Family Bureau
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Domain Station SystemMap Shuria 0.5 Amarr Empire Shuria IV - Moon 1 - Ministry of Internal Order Logistic SupportLogistic SupportShuria IV - Moon 1 - Ministry of Internal Order Logistic Support
Map Domain Station SystemMap Shuria 0.5 Amarr Empire Shuria X - Moon 16 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly PlantAssembly PlantShuria X - Moon 16 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant
Map Domain Station SystemMap Shuria 0.5 Amarr Empire Shuria XI - Imperial Shipment StorageStorageShuria XI - Imperial Shipment Storage
Map Domain Station SystemMap Shuria 0.5 Amarr Empire Shuria XI - Moon 2 - Ardishapur Family BureauBureauShuria XI - Moon 2 - Ardishapur Family Bureau
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Domain Station SystemMap Shuria 0.5 Amarr Empire Shuria IV - Moon 1 - Ministry of Internal Order Logistic SupportLogistic SupportShuria IV - Moon 1 - Ministry of Internal Order Logistic Support
Map Domain Station SystemMap Shuria 0.5 Amarr Empire Shuria X - Moon 10 - Amarr Civil Service Bureau OfficesBureau OfficesShuria X - Moon 10 - Amarr Civil Service Bureau Offices
Map Domain Station SystemMap Shuria 0.5 Amarr Empire Shuria XI - Moon 2 - Ardishapur Family BureauBureauShuria XI - Moon 2 - Ardishapur Family Bureau
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Domain Station SystemMap Shuria 0.5 Amarr Empire Shuria X - Moon 16 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly PlantAssembly PlantShuria X - Moon 16 - Ministry of Internal Order Assembly Plant
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots (2 Jumps)
Map Domain Station SystemMap Sukirah 0.6 Amarr Empire Sukirah IX - Moon 7 - Kaalakiota Corporation Research CenterResearch CenterSukirah IX - Moon 7 - Kaalakiota Corporation Research Center
Show Route Show Route Shuria Goto Bashakru Goto Sukirah

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