System Share

Name UniverseMap Traun Planets 10 Jumps 1h/24h 58 1520
Region UniverseMap Metropolis Moons 39 Ship Kills 0 8
Constellation UniverseConstellation Ani Belts/Icebelts 8 NPC Kills 290 5166
Security Level 0.6 Security Class D1 Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Minmatar Republic Local Pirates Angels
Minerals Plagioclase, Scordite, Veldspar, Omber (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (10 Jumps)
Map Geminate Map EOA-ZC -0.07 SONS of BANE (5)
Show Route Show Route Traun Goto Nakugard Goto Hek Goto Uttindar Goto Bei Goto Hagilur Goto Anher Goto Evati Goto Todifrauan Goto Akkio Goto EOA-ZC

Lowsec System (3 Jumps)
Map Sinq Laison Station SystemMap Otou 0.3 Gallente Federation
Show Route Show Route Traun Goto Nakugard Goto Hek Goto Otou

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Traun 0.6 Minmatar Republic Traun X - Moon 14 - Joint Harvesting Mining OutpostMining OutpostTraun X - Moon 14 - Joint Harvesting Mining Outpost
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Traun 0.6 Minmatar Republic Traun X - Moon 6 - Sisters of EVE BureauBureauTraun X - Moon 6 - Sisters of EVE Bureau
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Traun 0.6 Minmatar Republic Traun X - Moon 14 - Joint Harvesting Mining OutpostMining OutpostTraun X - Moon 14 - Joint Harvesting Mining Outpost
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Traun 0.6 Minmatar Republic Traun X - Moon 6 - Sisters of EVE BureauBureauTraun X - Moon 6 - Sisters of EVE Bureau
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Traun 0.6 Minmatar Republic Traun X - Moon 6 - Sisters of EVE BureauBureauTraun X - Moon 6 - Sisters of EVE Bureau
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots (1 Jump)
Map Metropolis Station SystemMap Nakugard 0.5 Minmatar Republic Nakugard V - Republic UniversitySchoolNakugard V - Republic University
Show Route Show Route Traun Goto Nakugard

Station(s) with Research Slots (4 Jumps)
Map Heimatar Station SystemMap Pator 1.0 Minmatar Republic Pator VII (Kulheim) - Moon 1 - Republic Fleet Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesPator VII (Kulheim) - Moon 1 - Republic Fleet Testing Facilities
Show Route Show Route Traun Goto Nakugard Goto Hek Goto Eystur Goto Pator

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