System Share

Name UniverseMap Unkah Planets 9 Jumps 1h/24h 5 210
Region UniverseMap Tash-Murkon Moons 39 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Mimishia Belts/Icebelts 17 NPC Kills 23 1181
Security Level 0.6 Security Class B1 Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Amarr Empire Local Pirates Sanshas
Minerals Kernite, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (8 Jumps)
Map Providence Station SystemMap Y-MPWL -0.09 Now You're Gone (5)
Show Route Show Route Unkah Goto Atoosh Goto Sinid Goto Mani Goto Zehru Goto Uhodoh Goto Esa Goto Kari Goto Y-MPWL

Lowsec System (5 Jumps)
Map Domain Station SystemMap Aldali 0.4 Amarr Empire
Show Route Show Route Unkah Goto Atoosh Goto Thashkarai Goto Abai Goto Iro Goto Aldali

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Unkah 0.6 Amarr Empire Unkah IX - Joint Harvesting Mineral ReserveMineral ReserveUnkah IX - Joint Harvesting Mineral Reserve
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Unkah 0.6 Amarr Empire Unkah VI - Moon 7 - Emperor Family BureauBureauUnkah VI - Moon 7 - Emperor Family Bureau
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Unkah 0.6 Amarr Empire Unkah VII - Moon 2 - Joint Harvesting Food PackagingFood PackagingUnkah VII - Moon 2 - Joint Harvesting Food Packaging
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Unkah 0.6 Amarr Empire Unkah IX - Joint Harvesting Mineral ReserveMineral ReserveUnkah IX - Joint Harvesting Mineral Reserve
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Unkah 0.6 Amarr Empire Unkah VI - Moon 7 - Emperor Family BureauBureauUnkah VI - Moon 7 - Emperor Family Bureau
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Unkah 0.6 Amarr Empire Unkah VI - Moon 7 - Emperor Family BureauBureauUnkah VI - Moon 7 - Emperor Family Bureau
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots (1 Jump)
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Mimen 0.5 Amarr Empire Mimen X - Moon 2 - Zoar and Sons FactoryFactoryMimen X - Moon 2 - Zoar and Sons Factory
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Mimen 0.5 Amarr Empire Mimen X - Zoar and Sons FactoryFactoryMimen X - Zoar and Sons Factory
Show Route Show Route Unkah Goto Mimen

Station(s) with Research Slots (4 Jumps)
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Baviasi 0.8 Amarr Empire Baviasi II - Kaalakiota Corporation FactoryFactoryBaviasi II - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Baviasi 0.8 Amarr Empire Baviasi IX - Carthum Conglomerate FactoryFactoryBaviasi IX - Carthum Conglomerate Factory
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Baviasi 0.8 Amarr Empire Baviasi IX - Moon 2 - Ishukone Corporation FactoryFactoryBaviasi IX - Moon 2 - Ishukone Corporation Factory
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Baviasi 0.8 Amarr Empire Baviasi X - Ishukone Corporation FactoryFactoryBaviasi X - Ishukone Corporation Factory
Map Tash-Murkon Station SystemMap Baviasi 0.8 Amarr Empire Baviasi XI - Ishukone Corporation FactoryFactoryBaviasi XI - Ishukone Corporation Factory
Show Route Show Route Unkah Goto Atoosh Goto Thashkarai Goto Abai Goto Baviasi

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