System Share

Name UniverseMap Uphallant Planets 8 Jumps 1h/24h 28 301
Region UniverseMap Placid Moons 31 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Fislipesnes Belts/Icebelts 5 +1 NPC Kills 66 1032
Security Level 0.2 Security Class D3 Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Gallente Federation Local Pirates Serpentis
Minerals/Ice Hemorphite, Jaspet, Plagioclase, Scordite, Veldspar, Omber, Blue Ice, Glare Crust (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (4 Jumps)
Map Syndicate Map MHC-R3 -0.03 The Syndicate
Show Route Show Route Uphallant Goto Dastryns Goto Ostingele Goto Harroule Goto MHC-R3

Highsec System (2 Jumps)
Map Placid Station SystemMap Slays 0.5 Gallente Federation
Show Route Show Route Uphallant Goto Iges Goto Slays

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant II - Federal Defense Union Logistic SupportLogistic SupportUphallant II - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant III - Federation Navy Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesUphallant III - Federation Navy Testing Facilities
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant III - Moon 4 - Material Acquisition Mining OutpostMining OutpostUphallant III - Moon 4 - Material Acquisition Mining Outpost
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant III - Moon 4 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development StudioDevelopment StudioUphallant III - Moon 4 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant IV - Moon 1 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development StudioDevelopment StudioUphallant IV - Moon 1 - Nugoeihuvi Corporation Development Studio
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant V - Moon 14 - Federation Navy Assembly PlantAssembly PlantUphallant V - Moon 14 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant V - Moon 18 - Ducia Foundry Mineral ReserveMineral ReserveUphallant V - Moon 18 - Ducia Foundry Mineral Reserve
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VII - Federation Navy Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesUphallant VII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VII - Moon 2 - Freedom Extension StorageStorageUphallant VII - Moon 2 - Freedom Extension Storage
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VII - Moon 2 - Material Acquisition RefineryRefineryUphallant VII - Moon 2 - Material Acquisition Refinery
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VIII - Moon 2 - Duvolle Laboratories FactoryFactoryUphallant VIII - Moon 2 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VIII - Moon 2 - Federal Administration ArchivesArchivesUphallant VIII - Moon 2 - Federal Administration Archives
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant II - Federal Defense Union Logistic SupportLogistic SupportUphallant II - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant III - Federation Navy Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesUphallant III - Federation Navy Testing Facilities
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant III - Moon 4 - Material Acquisition Mining OutpostMining OutpostUphallant III - Moon 4 - Material Acquisition Mining Outpost
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant V - Moon 14 - Federation Navy Assembly PlantAssembly PlantUphallant V - Moon 14 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant V - Moon 18 - Ducia Foundry Mineral ReserveMineral ReserveUphallant V - Moon 18 - Ducia Foundry Mineral Reserve
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VII - Federation Navy Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesUphallant VII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VII - Moon 2 - Freedom Extension StorageStorageUphallant VII - Moon 2 - Freedom Extension Storage
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VII - Moon 2 - Material Acquisition RefineryRefineryUphallant VII - Moon 2 - Material Acquisition Refinery
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VIII - Moon 2 - Duvolle Laboratories FactoryFactoryUphallant VIII - Moon 2 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant II - Federal Defense Union Logistic SupportLogistic SupportUphallant II - Federal Defense Union Logistic Support
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VIII - Moon 2 - Duvolle Laboratories FactoryFactoryUphallant VIII - Moon 2 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant III - Federation Navy Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesUphallant III - Federation Navy Testing Facilities
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant V - Moon 14 - Federation Navy Assembly PlantAssembly PlantUphallant V - Moon 14 - Federation Navy Assembly Plant
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VII - Federation Navy Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesUphallant VII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VIII - Moon 2 - Duvolle Laboratories FactoryFactoryUphallant VIII - Moon 2 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant III - Federation Navy Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesUphallant III - Federation Navy Testing Facilities
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VII - Federation Navy Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesUphallant VII - Federation Navy Testing Facilities
Map Placid Station SystemMap Uphallant 0.2 Gallente Federation Uphallant VIII - Moon 2 - Duvolle Laboratories FactoryFactoryUphallant VIII - Moon 2 - Duvolle Laboratories Factory
In System In System

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