System Share

Name UniverseMap Uusanen Planets 6 Jumps 1h/24h 28 897
Region UniverseMap The Bleak Lands Moons 13 Ship Kills 2 13
Constellation UniverseConstellation Vaarma Belts/Icebelts 1 NPC Kills 23 1486
Security Level 0.4 Security Class B2 Pod Kills 2 12
Faction Amarr Empire Local Pirates Blood Raiders
Minerals Jaspet, Kernite, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Celestial Objects

Uusanen - Star Sun K3 (Yellow Small)
Stargate (Amarr System)
Stargate (Amarr System)
Stargate (Amarr System)
Planet (Storm) Uusanen I Planet (Storm)
Uusanen I - Carthum Conglomerate Factory Factory
Uusanen I - Moon 1 Moon
Planet (Temperate) Uusanen II Planet (Temperate)
Uusanen II - Moon 1 Moon
Planet (Storm) Uusanen III Planet (Storm)
Uusanen III - Asteroid Belt 1 Asteroid Belt
Uusanen III - Moon 1 Moon
Planet (Temperate) Uusanen IV Planet (Temperate)
Uusanen IV - Moon 1 Moon
Uusanen IV - Moon 2 Moon
Uusanen IV - Moon 3 Moon
Uusanen IV - Moon 1 - Ministry of Assessment Information Center Information Center
Uusanen IV - Moon 2 - Genolution Biotech Production Biotech Production
Planet (Storm) Uusanen V Planet (Storm)
Uusanen V - Carthum Conglomerate Production Plant Production Plant
Uusanen V - Moon 1 Moon
Uusanen V - Moon 2 Moon
Uusanen V - Moon 3 Moon
Uusanen V - Moon 4 Moon
Uusanen V - Moon 5 Moon
Uusanen V - Moon 6 Moon
Planet (Barren) Uusanen VI Planet (Barren)
Uusanen VI - Moon 1 Moon
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