System Share

Name UniverseMap WNS-7J Planets 6 Jumps 1h/24h 2 232
Region UniverseMap Stain Moons 50 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation H26A-B Belts/Icebelts 10 NPC Kills 0 99
Security Level -0.31 Security Class G1 Pod Kills 0 0
Alliance, Corp - Local Pirates Sanshas
Minerals Kernite, Plagioclase, Scordite, Veldspar, Gneiss, Omber (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

Lowsec System (21 Jumps)
Map Khanid Map Nourbal 0.4 Khanid Kingdom
Show Route Show Route WNS-7J Goto 57M7-W Goto 7R5-7R Goto 0Y1-M7 Goto VTGN-U Goto E-C0SR Goto LGK-VP Goto MB4D-4 Goto DSS-EZ Goto 3GD6-8 Goto 3-OKDA Goto GE-8JV Goto V-3YG7 Goto B-3QPD Goto U-QVWD Goto 36N-HZ Goto 9KOE-A Goto WD-VTV Goto SV5-8N Goto HED-GP Goto Keberz Goto Nourbal

Highsec System (20 Jumps)
Map Khanid Map Keberz 0.5 Khanid Kingdom
Show Route Show Route WNS-7J Goto 57M7-W Goto 7R5-7R Goto 0Y1-M7 Goto VTGN-U Goto E-C0SR Goto LGK-VP Goto MB4D-4 Goto DSS-EZ Goto 3GD6-8 Goto 3-OKDA Goto GE-8JV Goto V-3YG7 Goto B-3QPD Goto U-QVWD Goto 36N-HZ Goto 9KOE-A Goto WD-VTV Goto SV5-8N Goto HED-GP Goto Keberz

Station(s) with Refining Abilities (1 Jump)
Map Stain Station SystemMap HM-UVD -0.25 Sansha's Nation HM-UVD VI - Moon 4 - True Creations ShipyardShipyardHM-UVD VI - Moon 4 - True Creations Shipyard
Map Stain Station SystemMap HM-UVD -0.25 Sansha's Nation HM-UVD VII - Moon 5 - True Creations ShipyardShipyardHM-UVD VII - Moon 5 - True Creations Shipyard
Map Stain Station SystemMap HM-UVD -0.25 Sansha's Nation HM-UVD VIII - Moon 2 - True Power Assembly PlantAssembly PlantHM-UVD VIII - Moon 2 - True Power Assembly Plant
Show Route Show Route WNS-7J Goto HM-UVD

Station(s) with Repair Facilities (1 Jump)
Map Stain Station SystemMap HM-UVD -0.25 Sansha's Nation HM-UVD VI - Moon 4 - True Creations ShipyardShipyardHM-UVD VI - Moon 4 - True Creations Shipyard
Map Stain Station SystemMap HM-UVD -0.25 Sansha's Nation HM-UVD VII - Moon 5 - True Creations ShipyardShipyardHM-UVD VII - Moon 5 - True Creations Shipyard
Map Stain Station SystemMap HM-UVD -0.25 Sansha's Nation HM-UVD VIII - Moon 2 - True Power Assembly PlantAssembly PlantHM-UVD VIII - Moon 2 - True Power Assembly Plant
Show Route Show Route WNS-7J Goto HM-UVD

Station(s) with Medical Service (9 Jumps)
Map Stain Station SystemMap TG-Z23 -0.05 Sansha's Nation TG-Z23 II - Moon 4 - True Creations Logistic SupportLogistic SupportTG-Z23 II - Moon 4 - True Creations Logistic Support
Map Stain Station SystemMap TG-Z23 -0.05 Sansha's Nation TG-Z23 III - Moon 8 - True Power Logistic SupportLogistic SupportTG-Z23 III - Moon 8 - True Power Logistic Support
Show Route Show Route WNS-7J Goto 57M7-W Goto 7R5-7R Goto 0Y1-M7 Goto VTGN-U Goto X1E-OQ Goto Q-Q2S6 Goto WHG2-7 Goto 9RQ-L8 Goto TG-Z23

Station(s) with Factory Slots (1 Jump)
Map Stain Station SystemMap HM-UVD -0.25 Sansha's Nation HM-UVD VI - Moon 4 - True Creations ShipyardShipyardHM-UVD VI - Moon 4 - True Creations Shipyard
Map Stain Station SystemMap HM-UVD -0.25 Sansha's Nation HM-UVD VII - Moon 5 - True Creations ShipyardShipyardHM-UVD VII - Moon 5 - True Creations Shipyard
Map Stain Station SystemMap HM-UVD -0.25 Sansha's Nation HM-UVD VIII - Moon 2 - True Power Assembly PlantAssembly PlantHM-UVD VIII - Moon 2 - True Power Assembly Plant
Show Route Show Route WNS-7J Goto HM-UVD

Station(s) with Research Slots (2 Jumps)
Map Stain Station SystemMap G-ME2K -0.26 Sansha's Nation G-ME2K VIII - Moon 14 - True Creations Testing FacilitiesTesting FacilitiesG-ME2K VIII - Moon 14 - True Creations Testing Facilities
Show Route Show Route WNS-7J Goto HM-UVD Goto G-ME2K

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