Alliance Share

Shades of Gray
Name Shades of Gray
Ticker SHADE
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2010-08-12
Closed 2015-04-29
AllianceID 1751354781

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [47]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Deadly Shadow Clan .DSC. Deadly Shadow Bastion 27 2010-08-17 21:10:00 2010-08-25 07:58:01
Deadly Shadow Clan .DSC. Deadly Shadow Bastion 27 2010-08-27 21:00:00 2010-12-08 09:03:47
1st Freedom Guard RegimentDead 1FGR 0 2010-12-06 23:49:00 2010-12-10 20:56:08
Guerrilla Flotilla .G.F. 2 2010-11-23 06:07:00 2010-12-12 11:54:03
Alyidia ALYID 5 2010-11-23 03:07:00 2010-12-19 03:21:58
2nd Freedom Guard Mining RegimentDead 2FGMR 0 2010-12-09 19:27:00 2011-01-15 12:04:57
Data-OneDead DATA- 0 2010-12-30 21:38:00 2011-01-22 22:38:39
Broendby Strands piloterDead 2660 0 2011-01-11 05:55:00 2011-01-23 20:35:25
PORUS- InterStellar Mining Corporation PORUS 5 2010-12-22 03:25:00 2011-03-04 01:31:57
9th Caldari ''Iron Wings'' FleetDead 9CIW 0 2011-02-27 22:41:00 2011-03-24 22:12:45
Cohesion Inc COHES 18 2011-03-07 23:24:00 2011-03-27 05:19:37
Union of Rock Rippa's and Wreck Strippa's RRWS 1 2011-03-27 20:20:00 2011-04-03 21:40:42
Mining Trades GmbH MTGH 1 2011-04-02 19:42:00 2011-04-12 19:28:33
udon thaniDead UDON 0 2010-10-05 08:11:00 2011-04-13 04:01:42
Deadly Shadow Clan .DSC. Deadly Shadow Bastion 27 2010-12-11 21:55:00 2011-04-22 01:23:25
RAC Inc.Dead RAC I 0 2011-02-22 07:31:00 2011-06-09 03:55:37
Tangential Endeavors -TAN 2 2011-03-11 05:26:00 2011-06-13 03:54:28
Three Skin Development 3SD 1 2011-03-20 17:30:00 2011-06-30 17:37:25
Tainted Devotion TNTED 3 2011-03-20 05:27:00 2011-06-30 17:37:25
The Nietzsche Followers NIFER 5 2010-12-30 21:38:00 2011-06-30 17:37:25
Supply Chain Management INC. SCMIN 4 2011-02-21 22:31:00 2011-06-30 17:37:25
Serenity's VanguardDead SEEVD 0 2011-05-19 21:39:00 2011-07-25 07:01:23
Armed Steel Industries CISA 1 2011-06-21 23:41:00 2011-08-21 17:30:39
Nephtys Ventures inc NVI 6 2011-08-10 19:25:00 2011-09-03 15:08:33
Sturm Abteilung 503Dead SA503 0 2010-09-05 01:25:00 2011-10-09 23:24:31
udon thaniDead UDON 0 2011-07-19 17:30:00 2011-10-18 10:34:25
The Konvergent League KNVT 9 2011-07-27 22:17:00 2011-11-12 21:28:52
Uneducated Soldiers UNSLD 1 2011-11-09 05:51:00 2011-12-05 04:18:16
City 17 CIT17 2 2011-01-16 00:00:00 2012-02-03 19:09:39
Serenity Ghost DivisionDead SGD 0 2010-08-28 01:00:00 2012-02-11 03:53:44
Exiled Eden XEDEN 3 2011-11-06 00:40:00 2012-02-11 03:53:44
corporation aurora FHK 1 2012-01-06 23:18:00 2012-02-11 03:53:44
Riders in the SkyDead RI.SK 0 2011-10-26 16:45:00 2012-03-15 12:21:48
Contra InitiativeDead C-TRA 0 2011-12-11 02:44:00 2012-03-17 05:39:58
No Goats No Glory NANNY 5 2011-11-28 01:31:00 2012-04-03 08:41:18
UKOV25 UKOV 2 2011-01-03 18:34:00 2012-04-29 19:28:45
Omni Aquisition and Logistics OAAL ISK.Enterprises 6 2012-05-07 19:20:00 2012-06-08 06:57:40
Chain-Gang IR0NS 16 2012-04-04 09:02:00 2012-06-16 20:53:31
Order of the Golden Dawn OGD 6 2010-10-13 23:49:00 2012-06-16 20:53:31
City 17 CIT17 2 2012-04-30 02:47:00 2012-06-16 21:50:32
Nebulous Creations OHGR8 18 2012-05-12 02:46:00 2012-06-17 01:38:37
Sexy Pandas -SXP- 7 2012-05-12 02:46:00 2012-06-17 08:17:40
PMSI PMSI 7 2012-05-05 00:10:00 2012-06-17 23:29:48
The Organization of Fire and Steel XFNA Elementium Alliance 203 2012-05-07 22:20:00 2012-06-18 13:48:51
Interstellar Disributing Partners IDP C 8 2010-08-20 19:12:00 2012-06-19 02:34:25
Stellar Aggressive Acquisitions STAAC 7 2011-05-25 05:34:00 2012-06-25 21:35:51
Serenity A.E. A...E 11 2010-08-12 22:54:00 2015-04-29 11:43:40
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