Alliance Share

Eych Four Eks Zero Ahr
Name Eych Four Eks Zero Ahr
Ticker H4X0R
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2008-11-27
Closed 2018-10-18
AllianceID 718438830

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [50]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Sarum A Fortiori ADREM 7 2008-12-11 21:51:00 2009-01-11 15:02:09
Daughters of SerenityDead DOSER 0 2008-12-11 22:51:00 2009-01-30 15:02:07
Imperial Tau Syndicate IMPSS 16 2009-01-18 21:10:00 2009-02-07 15:02:09
Vengance Inc. VENGA 104 2008-12-13 05:07:00 2009-02-14 16:04:09
Scan This 0..0 10 2008-12-20 03:32:00 2009-04-06 16:04:04
United Defence Force U.D. 18 2009-03-17 13:17:00 2009-04-21 15:02:04
Dark Side Of The Womb DSOTW 5 2009-04-28 20:07:00 2009-05-03 15:02:03
The Dominion of Light TDOL 1 2009-03-17 13:17:00 2009-05-27 21:46:53
Ash Tec EngerneeringDead ASH T 0 2009-02-04 03:26:00 2009-06-13 21:00:10
Rift Wake Consortium RFCON 10 2008-12-13 03:07:00 2009-07-24 16:04:09
Silverpaw Mining Company SPMC 7 2008-12-14 23:28:00 2009-08-15 21:00:24
Imperial Tau Syndicate IMPSS 16 2009-07-21 06:59:00 2009-08-26 21:00:26
Titan Industrial Research And Development LTDDead TIRAD 0 2009-08-11 23:36:00 2009-08-26 21:00:26
Gerbils of the ApocalypseDead GOTA 0 2009-04-04 15:48:00 2009-08-29 15:02:04
Kaneva IndustriesDead KANEV 0 2009-03-17 13:17:00 2009-09-23 16:04:10
Ascent NetworkDead A-NET 0 2009-04-20 03:13:00 2009-10-01 15:02:03
Infinity Miners Union IMU 9 2008-11-29 05:48:00 2009-10-08 15:02:03
Abnormal Experience AXP 20 2009-01-26 22:20:00 2009-10-09 15:02:09
Red Sun Industries SMBM 5 2008-12-18 00:15:00 2009-10-10 15:02:03
ETERNAL-VIKTORIUZ-EVOLUTION HOLDINGDead EVE-H 0 2009-06-20 22:25:00 2009-10-10 15:02:03
Regency Shipyards LTDDead RSLT 0 2009-01-09 00:05:00 2009-10-10 15:02:03
Eternal-Viktoriuz-EvolutionDead E-V-E 0 2009-02-24 23:19:00 2009-10-10 15:02:03
Excelsior Industries 3XC3L 6 2009-08-03 13:46:00 2009-10-17 15:02:03
Dirty Rats D.R 14 2008-12-13 18:02:00 2009-10-29 16:02:03
Excelsior Industries 3XC3L 6 2009-10-27 19:49:00 2009-11-28 21:54:05
THE WARBAND I DEC 15 2010-01-14 21:17:00 2010-01-20 11:22:59
The Hole PatrolDead T.H.P 0 2009-07-27 22:39:00 2010-01-23 17:15:15
BloodnautDead BNAUT 0 2010-03-28 19:15:00 2010-04-13 06:46:28
Razer InvictusDead ZRU 0 2010-03-23 01:39:00 2010-04-22 23:09:57
Ascent NetworkDead A-NET 0 2010-03-03 22:48:00 2010-04-24 09:16:41
Atropos Asylum KERAS 11 2010-03-09 07:25:00 2010-04-25 01:17:15
Trumpets and Bookmarks TRMP 8 2010-02-10 23:47:00 2010-05-04 18:57:26
Celestial Warp Ghost Guardians CWGG 4 2009-09-21 18:59:00 2010-05-08 01:19:04
Labor Force LABOR 2 2009-04-13 22:03:00 2010-05-09 17:33:04
deadly horizonDead -ZON- 0 2009-06-11 20:58:00 2010-05-21 23:21:56
Copernicus-InheritorsDead COPER 0 2010-04-12 22:10:00 2010-06-03 18:29:59
Praetorian Knights PRKNT 17 2010-03-04 20:30:00 2010-08-01 21:34:59
Black Water EnterprisesDead BLKWT 0 2010-03-03 22:48:00 2010-08-25 08:58:03
Freedom-Technologies F.TC 30 2010-02-24 23:45:00 2011-04-18 02:21:46
Caldari Navy Operations CNO 7 2012-01-09 14:51:00 2012-05-13 23:43:56
The Hole PatrolDead T.H.P 0 2012-04-24 18:10:00 2013-11-14 19:22:00
Project X3 PX3 Silent Infinity 24 2011-07-27 20:19:00 2014-04-02 18:11:51
Custard Cowboys CSTRD 8 2009-12-13 20:22:00 2014-08-28 22:20:06
Abnormal Experience AXP 20 2009-11-29 21:27:00 2017-04-17 10:24:19
Haluter-Gilde H-G 3 2010-05-22 12:22:00 2018-10-18 12:01:13
Return From The Ashes RFTA 34 2008-12-22 05:54:00 2018-10-18 12:01:13
Living Machinery Investment Group AL1V3 2 2008-12-31 00:34:00 2018-10-18 12:01:13
ASP Technology Consortium ASPTC 7 2010-04-08 11:54:00 2018-10-18 12:01:13
(Executor Corp)Ghost Data GDATA 37 2008-11-27 04:52:00 2018-10-18 12:01:13
Evil Pastries EV-P 5 2010-08-30 19:13:00 2018-10-18 12:01:13
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