Alliance Share

Name M-A-L-E-V-O-L-E-N-C-E
Ticker MLVNC
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2011-05-31
Closed 2011-09-29
AllianceID 99000752

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [28]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Scientific Nano Technologies Institute ITNS 1 2011-06-05 01:10:00 2011-06-08 21:16:30
ACME INKDead EMCA 0 2011-06-02 23:55:00 2011-06-18 01:00:12
Gray Man Group G-M-G Dominion of New Huola 8 2011-06-16 03:09:00 2011-06-22 01:44:46
Black Meza BMZ 1 2011-06-07 11:57:00 2011-06-22 21:42:11
Akuma Industries LLCDead AKILL 0 2011-06-14 01:51:00 2011-06-26 07:25:49
Bronies UnitedDead BRONY 0 2011-06-04 21:10:00 2011-06-26 17:52:59
Ph3onix RisingDead F.N.X 0 2011-06-02 17:54:00 2011-06-26 17:52:59
Omega Industry OMG.I 1 2011-06-03 19:31:00 2011-06-28 07:53:39
The Flying Dutchmen TFD 31 2011-06-16 21:11:00 2011-07-01 00:16:32
BARRAGE.Dead .BAR. 0 2011-06-04 10:31:00 2011-07-01 18:19:49
Yellow Energy Systems GRES3 4 2011-07-07 15:50:00 2011-07-11 20:51:28
Star of DavidDead S0D- 0 2011-07-21 17:05:00 2011-07-22 22:57:06
THE DRUNK SAILORS AAHOY 3 2011-07-21 17:05:00 2011-07-26 22:56:24
three stooges and green men TSGM 4 2011-07-08 13:09:00 2011-08-07 01:59:23
Elite Shadow Society ESSXF 1 2011-07-29 23:17:00 2011-08-14 21:10:41
High Sec Risk Management Services HSRMS 1 2011-08-08 09:01:00 2011-08-14 21:10:41
three stooges and green men TSGM 4 2011-08-11 21:56:00 2011-08-24 01:40:10
Qu-Chua Corporation Q-CH 2 2011-08-21 21:54:00 2011-08-25 03:14:47
Nagoya Heavy industries NAGO 2 2011-06-02 14:54:00 2011-08-27 15:07:12
Path of the chosen WUPAS 7 2011-07-28 19:16:00 2011-08-28 11:04:34
The Abdication Corporation ACCRP 24 2011-06-12 04:12:00 2011-09-01 02:30:16
chaos blood angels 9012 1 2011-08-15 02:07:00 2011-09-03 21:47:38
Infinite Mobility I-MOB 7 2011-07-10 22:56:00 2011-09-26 20:06:20
MALEVOLENCE HOLDINGS MLVNC 3 2011-06-14 13:47:00 2011-09-29 11:46:12
Conspiracy Theorists IWNTU 1 2011-05-31 03:25:00 2011-09-29 11:46:12
Delete Inc. DINC. 6 2011-06-10 14:48:00 2011-09-29 11:46:12
Scrabble Society scras 1 2011-06-11 15:12:00 2011-09-29 11:46:12
Exodus Defence Systems incDead EDSI 0 2011-07-28 20:16:00 2011-09-29 11:46:12
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