Alliance Share

Totally Wasted Alliance
Name Totally Wasted Alliance
Ticker TOTAL
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-05-26
Closed 2014-08-19
AllianceID 99002149





Totally Wasted Alliance is a group of friendly and mature people.We are a tard free and no hassle alliance.Real life comes first of course and that is respected.

We are a Heavy Industrial Alliance but dabble in other aspects of EVE as well

We Currently do -

Mining : with multiple max orca pilots.Can refine ores free of charge for those that lack the skills.

Missions - up to lvl 4 most races.Are able to help get your standings up or just help you finish a hard mission.

Manufacturing - Tech 1 , Tech 2 and Capital producton.

Exploration - we are often venturing into wormholes seeking the rewards they offer ( ISKIES ) .

We are NRDS for all of Hi Sec but practice NBSI for wormholes,Low and Null Sec.
AntiPirate and Anti Griefer alliance.

Looking for like minded corps to join and have some good fun,make new friends and help build ourselves a place in EVE.

My Time ( Executor )

Jimmy Kotzvulkan ( Diplo - German / English )

MaadJ ( Diplo - English )

Sovereignty systems [0]

The alliance don't hold any system.
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