Alliance Share

Totally Wasted Alliance
Name Totally Wasted Alliance
Ticker TOTAL
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2012-05-26
Closed 2014-08-19
AllianceID 99002149

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [29]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Sharp Enterprises SHRPE 3 2012-07-09 09:00:00 2012-08-16 01:17:46
Department of Health and Wellness RX4U 14 2012-10-26 11:14:00 2012-10-27 00:06:18
House TalionDead HO TA 0 2013-03-22 12:01:00 2013-04-02 12:43:48
legion of war incDead G.W.P 0 2012-05-28 13:00:00 2013-05-01 12:27:38
Iso-Gen Technologies IGTEC 1 2012-05-27 17:25:00 2013-05-01 12:27:38
3.SWORDSDead 3SWOR 0 2012-08-03 14:54:00 2013-05-27 13:19:53
Teutonen TEUT 6 2012-05-27 09:53:00 2013-08-21 16:59:14
New Nuclear Corporation NNCRU 3 2013-02-24 15:00:00 2013-10-13 16:11:55
Intergalactic Solutions Freelancercorp IGSF 5 2013-06-03 08:09:00 2013-10-26 08:47:47
legion of war inc2Dead LOWI2 0 2013-08-12 15:52:00 2013-10-26 08:47:47
Dry Anal PowerslamDead DRANP 0 2013-08-19 15:42:00 2013-10-26 08:47:47
Teutonen TEUT 6 2013-09-11 15:04:00 2013-10-26 08:47:47
Those Bad Guys From Tron TBGFT 6 2013-02-16 12:26:00 2013-10-26 08:47:47
Endless Potential Ltd. EPLTD 17 2013-09-25 15:33:00 2013-10-26 08:47:47
Teutonen LogisticDead TEL0 0 2013-12-13 21:52:00 2013-12-25 09:49:15
Teutonen TEUT 6 2013-11-22 05:58:00 2013-12-25 10:36:40
Interstellar Industrialism IncorporatedDead DMNPZ 0 2014-01-21 08:29:00 2014-01-31 04:45:37
Those Bad Guys From Tron TBGFT 6 2013-11-30 05:40:00 2014-02-01 13:19:42
Intergalactic Solutions Freelancercorp IGSF 5 2013-11-12 08:30:00 2014-02-01 13:19:42
Teutonen TEUT 6 2013-12-27 09:03:00 2014-02-01 13:19:42
Club SatanDead 1.3.2 0 2014-02-02 13:23:00 2014-03-16 06:38:58
Law and Order AssociationDead LAOA 0 2014-07-08 12:28:00 2014-07-30 13:37:47
Interstellar Industrialism IncorporatedDead DMNPZ 0 2014-05-13 03:08:00 2014-08-12 17:05:49
The Elder Council XELDX 3 2014-07-08 12:28:00 2014-08-14 00:32:10
Broke and Twisted .OLO. 1 2014-05-04 03:35:00 2014-08-19 07:21:03
Shadows of Eternal Lanthian Glory SELG 2 2014-05-29 08:41:00 2014-08-19 07:21:03
Grayson Inc. GI9 2 2014-07-08 12:28:00 2014-08-19 07:21:03
Those Bad Guys From Tron TBGFT 6 2014-02-16 06:26:00 2014-08-19 07:21:03
Bunyip Munitions B.U.N Ghosts from the Abyss 27 2012-05-26 09:30:00 2014-08-19 14:14:14
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