Alliance Share

Southern Sitizens
Name Southern Sitizens
Ticker -SC-
Faction -
Members 0
Corporations 0
Founded 2015-04-21
Closed 2017-07-31
AllianceID 99005403

Corporations [0]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
The alliance has been disbanded.

Former Corporations [177]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
Styx Fleet S-TYX 44 2015-05-05 20:05:00 2015-05-31 06:37:51
Voices of distant CarebearsDead VODC 0 2015-07-03 06:16:00 2015-07-13 06:31:41
Rating'R'Us RTING 2 2015-05-04 21:44:00 2015-07-16 16:09:21
Russian TeamDead 1RUSS 0 2015-05-01 19:10:00 2015-07-16 16:09:21
SVAROG coalition SVG-A 5 2015-06-24 14:44:00 2015-07-21 19:05:04
TIME GOLD MSETS 10 2015-05-03 11:37:00 2015-07-23 19:31:20
First Bore CompanyDead FBCOM 0 2015-05-16 21:09:00 2015-08-01 19:24:29
lazy diggers LZDI 16 2015-05-20 00:38:00 2015-08-03 09:17:10
BUCORP BUBCO 1 2015-06-13 19:43:00 2015-08-07 16:30:14
Sergevna IncDead SVGII 0 2015-07-13 09:57:00 2015-08-12 09:14:19
Zerg Colony ZERNY 6 2015-08-14 17:15:00 2015-08-23 16:58:48
GTS-72 GTS72 5 2015-05-03 17:37:00 2015-08-24 21:24:01
TIME GOLD MSETS 10 2015-07-24 23:27:00 2015-09-01 15:20:49
Zerg Colony ZERNY 6 2015-08-25 16:39:00 2015-09-01 18:54:15
Domination Navy D-NAV 5 2015-07-14 18:48:00 2015-09-05 06:53:36
NO.NAME. NPNO 3 2015-07-27 12:57:00 2015-09-06 22:16:10
Stain industries LTD SNISL 5 2015-07-21 21:25:00 2015-09-16 12:58:47
Krab CorporationDead KRBCO 0 2015-07-20 16:35:00 2015-09-16 12:58:47
Genesis NEO Corp GNE 1 2015-05-17 10:09:00 2015-09-16 12:58:47
Sergevna IncDead SVGII 0 2015-08-17 19:09:00 2015-09-16 12:58:47
Perfect WinnersDead PWIN 0 2015-06-18 18:22:00 2015-10-01 03:22:22
Nimble ParasitesDead NPSS 0 2015-09-25 13:02:00 2015-10-08 00:35:56
ONE Team AW-A 2 2015-09-28 09:39:00 2015-10-15 15:42:50
SVAROG coalition SVG-A 5 2015-07-22 20:01:00 2015-10-25 17:20:36
6 Group 6GRP SLYCE Pirates 94 2015-06-01 07:56:00 2015-11-04 21:01:16
WH USSR Corp.Dead WH-U 0 2015-11-05 21:24:00 2015-11-05 22:37:20
Gloomy Radiance Star GOES8 19 2015-08-04 08:33:00 2015-11-09 20:14:29
A.P.E.X A.E.X 18 2015-11-01 17:47:00 2015-11-10 18:07:22
A.P.E.X A.E.X 18 2015-11-12 16:41:00 2015-11-15 13:15:09
Eternal Fight. ETFGT 9 2015-09-26 07:03:00 2015-11-20 15:47:15
Domination Navy D-NAV 5 2015-09-06 07:53:00 2015-12-05 18:30:07
TrustNo0neDead TRNO 0 2015-08-12 18:07:00 2015-12-07 13:29:18
Eve Mining Corp EVE M 12 2015-10-30 18:15:00 2015-12-07 13:29:18
Aengine EXEVE 19 2015-10-25 10:57:00 2015-12-07 13:29:18
Go Go Cows GO G 4 2015-08-28 16:04:00 2015-12-07 13:29:18
Warspite. WASP- 15 2015-11-02 04:47:00 2015-12-09 06:16:51
TheFourthReichDead T4RCH 0 2015-12-13 07:50:00 2015-12-13 18:55:21
Piff Paff Oi Oi PPOI 7 2015-09-28 20:34:00 2015-12-14 18:48:54
Redmine Industries RDMNI 13 2015-05-16 18:09:00 2015-12-24 22:16:53
Stain industries LTD SNISL 5 2015-09-18 07:41:00 2015-12-28 19:43:00
Ringing Coins RC-10 Brothers of Tangra 130 2015-11-03 16:18:00 2016-01-05 01:48:52
Air Force Federation Of Crimea KPBIM 4 2015-09-03 06:18:00 2016-01-05 01:48:52
BNP Group BNPG 10 2015-08-19 19:46:00 2016-01-06 08:03:14
Hole in Thermal HIT-L 1 2015-12-19 07:58:00 2016-01-11 19:26:32
Agressors Team ASTM. 3 2015-11-14 09:35:00 2016-01-20 21:22:15
West Lemberg WLBM 5 2016-01-09 16:10:00 2016-01-25 12:06:19
Hole in Thermal HIT-L 1 2016-01-13 04:58:00 2016-01-27 18:29:15
Krabo KRBO 2 2015-12-09 06:49:00 2016-02-01 19:19:53
Wandering Stars ShadowsDead W.S.S 0 2016-02-05 20:26:00 2016-02-20 19:57:43
Wild life EveDead WLEC 0 2015-10-04 19:56:00 2016-02-21 13:59:36
6 Group 6GRP SLYCE Pirates 94 2015-11-07 07:55:00 2016-02-22 13:13:31
Wild life EveDead WLEC 0 2016-02-22 15:11:00 2016-03-02 19:03:46
Die AndwoordDead DII3 0 2016-02-15 19:09:00 2016-03-04 08:18:19
DARIUS GRUP BALLU 186 2016-02-25 17:55:00 2016-03-04 13:11:18
GhostWaffe GSWF Azure Citizen 22 2015-12-19 17:04:00 2016-03-04 20:58:01
Russian researchers RI58 1 2015-11-05 20:24:00 2016-03-05 21:54:45
Wild life EveDead WLEC 0 2016-03-03 20:49:00 2016-03-05 21:54:45
BierGeschwader -BGS- 6 2016-01-30 22:51:00 2016-03-07 22:57:21
Rusichy RUSYH 1 2016-03-05 14:26:00 2016-03-13 18:15:43
Horns and Hoofs SUDead H.A.H 0 2016-03-07 15:56:00 2016-03-13 19:43:32
Zero And Minning Incorporation ZAMI 7 2016-03-08 15:13:00 2016-04-04 20:30:36
Red Squad.Dead RSDOT 0 2016-01-28 18:32:00 2016-04-05 09:28:14
Ghost shadow. TULS 11 2016-02-12 15:44:00 2016-04-06 20:30:04
Ghosts of Doomheim GHOFD 2 2016-02-06 15:17:00 2016-04-06 22:57:03
And we run WTAWR 7 2016-02-06 18:17:00 2016-04-06 22:57:03
Ebola Fan Club EBFAC 10 2016-02-18 05:21:00 2016-04-06 22:57:03
BloodDemons 55221 19 2015-12-13 07:50:00 2016-04-07 21:22:02
Dead Drunk Guys D D G 30 2015-10-25 07:57:00 2016-04-15 13:40:12
Dead 5pace DDESC 10 2015-09-27 15:39:00 2016-04-15 13:40:12
Elventy RUDead ZLOY 0 2016-04-02 21:31:00 2016-05-09 14:02:02
OOO ASPEKT OOOAS 9 2016-04-19 03:11:00 2016-05-09 14:02:02
GTS-72 GTS72 5 2015-08-26 06:39:00 2016-05-09 14:02:02
True Warriors of EVE TWOEV 21 2016-04-11 18:10:00 2016-05-14 16:33:50
ProgresDead PR777 0 2015-12-11 17:05:00 2016-06-02 20:41:15
Plasmon Resonance PLASR 3 2016-03-28 22:24:00 2016-06-07 14:13:22
X-heavy Industrias Team X.I.T 1 2016-03-29 16:49:00 2016-06-07 14:32:07
Yellow blow Y-Y-Y 7 2016-02-01 15:41:00 2016-06-19 12:16:09
Freemans Clan FM.C. 7 2015-05-04 20:44:00 2016-06-26 21:34:08
BrScorp BRYSC 2 2016-04-19 18:47:00 2016-06-28 16:33:56
DOB Heavy Industries SUK 36 2016-03-28 20:24:00 2016-06-28 16:33:56
Dark Dragon Inc. DD I. 13 2016-02-07 20:21:00 2016-06-28 16:33:56
AU AU AU AU AU 14 2016-04-16 16:24:00 2016-06-28 16:33:56
Rabbit Base RBBSE 3 2016-02-24 13:32:00 2016-06-28 16:33:56
MASSIVE ATTACK. 3OMBI 10 2016-05-26 13:56:00 2016-06-30 20:52:47
Event Horizon Plc. EVHZI 1 2016-07-08 18:06:00 2016-07-14 21:46:53
Dark Side Of The Moon Cult 0 -1 2 2016-03-03 19:49:00 2016-08-07 19:44:17
This is usDead TISUS 0 2016-04-06 14:17:00 2016-08-07 19:44:17
Moon SightDead .MNS. 0 2016-04-12 19:01:00 2016-08-08 19:48:31
Matrix Corporation M.X.C 11 2016-07-07 16:28:00 2016-08-08 19:48:31
Marsncorporated MARSN 5 2016-04-17 19:26:00 2016-08-11 05:16:19
Stardust FraktionDead STDF 0 2016-01-14 21:59:00 2016-08-15 09:25:49
Rax ArmyDead .R-A. 0 2016-08-09 19:40:00 2016-08-16 20:17:17
Kamelot Inc KMLT 9 2016-05-10 21:42:00 2016-08-22 20:17:58
Les sdf de l'espace froid SDFEF 4 2016-07-01 15:38:00 2016-08-23 18:09:28
PLA Strategic Support ForceDead .SSF. 0 2016-06-26 16:41:00 2016-08-29 23:58:42
Voodoo People Magic PeopleDead K-134 0 2016-02-11 20:17:00 2016-09-07 09:46:57
Vodka Is Primary VIIP 4 2016-04-19 15:47:00 2016-09-07 09:46:57
Ocean Five 0CE4N 2 2016-08-25 06:07:00 2016-09-16 07:50:06
Nefertity's Corporation MINNC 10 2016-04-26 14:31:00 2016-09-21 05:15:56
Vankor and Company VANKO 9 2015-08-21 15:13:00 2016-09-25 09:51:29
GTS-72 GTS72 5 2016-05-12 20:37:00 2016-09-25 10:31:02
WithoutDead WITH0 0 2016-06-29 10:46:00 2016-09-30 19:31:02
Skolly fleet SKFL 3 2016-02-18 20:30:00 2016-10-03 19:48:54
BlackWater LiquidationsDead 8679 0 2016-05-04 15:37:00 2016-10-04 13:07:53
Lazy Crabs L-CRB 5 2016-09-01 21:18:00 2016-10-10 15:20:40
Fantoma Universo FANTU 2 2016-09-06 19:30:00 2016-10-10 15:20:40
Azian Stars AZSTR 7 2016-08-24 21:07:00 2016-10-10 15:20:40
Sun love Moon SLMPP 2 2016-08-22 07:58:00 2016-10-10 15:20:40
BrScorp BRYSC 2 2016-09-12 19:39:00 2016-10-21 01:27:39
Ghost shadow. TULS 11 2016-04-08 18:27:00 2016-10-21 01:27:39
UmbrellaInc UCLM 6 2015-08-15 17:32:00 2016-10-21 01:27:39
Shadows of the dead starsDead SOTDS 0 2016-10-23 16:22:00 2016-10-26 11:14:22
Sanctum Odium SO. 10 2016-10-08 08:32:00 2016-10-31 21:23:12
two G CorporationDead 2GG 0 2016-10-19 10:56:00 2016-11-06 16:37:03
Rage Of Miners .ROM 6 2016-01-22 00:14:00 2016-11-18 19:44:52
Tooway TOOWA 1 2016-10-19 09:56:00 2016-11-18 19:44:52
Hole hamster H-.-H 2 2016-10-01 08:09:00 2016-11-18 19:44:52
IrridiumSunInc IRRID 16 2016-08-15 17:40:00 2016-12-01 20:03:43
SaturnuS Inc. STURS 13 2016-11-13 06:23:00 2016-12-08 20:34:38
UmbrellaInc UCLM 6 2016-10-26 10:45:00 2016-12-11 01:29:13
Yellow blow Y-Y-Y 7 2016-08-28 08:56:00 2016-12-17 14:18:38
Freemans Clan FM.C. 7 2016-07-22 17:48:00 2016-12-17 14:18:38
Vsem P-dof VSEM 9 2016-02-21 20:00:00 2016-12-26 12:08:20
Good Names All Gone GNAG 2 2016-05-06 22:57:00 2016-12-31 12:32:07
Diabolical plan of space exploration DPOE 3 2016-07-01 15:38:00 2017-01-05 15:01:45
Ab origine fidelis -ABF- 1 2016-03-25 20:20:00 2017-01-11 00:31:37
INSePaRaBLeS DOST 9 2016-07-08 07:28:00 2017-01-14 16:33:07
Dark Dragon Inc. DD I. 13 2016-06-30 19:57:00 2017-01-16 17:02:21
Libberty House LIBB 9 2015-08-01 13:55:00 2017-01-18 21:37:00
Masters of EG Corp MEGC 26 2015-04-30 06:31:00 2017-01-19 06:50:08
OOO PHOENIX P.XX 15 2016-06-25 17:53:00 2017-01-21 20:26:13
le clan des champsDead LE CL 0 2016-05-19 23:29:00 2017-01-21 22:59:41
OOO ASPEKT OOOAS 9 2016-05-11 16:36:00 2017-01-23 11:34:19
6 Group 6GRP SLYCE Pirates 94 2016-02-24 13:32:00 2017-01-24 05:12:18
Wolves Ressurection W.RES 7 2016-11-28 17:23:00 2017-01-24 10:40:33
Kozaks KZK 3 2015-05-04 16:44:00 2017-01-25 16:13:29
Muhomory MUHOM Get Off My Lawn 44 2016-04-20 16:30:00 2017-01-26 20:00:40
BloodDemons 55221 19 2016-04-09 20:43:00 2017-01-28 14:38:27
Gloomy Radiance Star GOES8 19 2015-11-11 17:02:00 2017-01-28 22:15:25
KoTuKu -JZS- Verged 127 2016-12-25 20:38:00 2017-01-29 13:30:27
Redmine Industries RDMNI 13 2015-12-26 21:48:00 2017-01-29 16:49:38
Heaven for deliverance H F D 18 2016-10-04 19:34:00 2017-01-30 07:10:45
Dirt CutleriesDead BANAU 0 2016-12-03 08:17:00 2017-02-02 07:11:30
GhostWaffe GSWF Azure Citizen 22 2016-03-07 13:56:00 2017-02-02 10:35:11
Oh those Russians OHRUS 2 2015-09-01 20:41:00 2017-02-04 13:01:04
A.P.E.X A.E.X 18 2015-11-16 18:30:00 2017-02-04 20:59:49
Nefertity's Corporation MINNC 10 2016-09-22 19:27:00 2017-02-09 15:00:57
An My ANMY 27 2016-12-21 19:47:00 2017-02-10 09:20:32
BurnKill Inc. BK43 3 2015-07-02 16:16:00 2017-02-10 09:54:30
Nega Nebulas. NNCHN 85 2016-01-02 12:12:00 2017-02-11 06:13:05
VODKA BEARS ATOM BOOM 0VO Band of Backstabbers 3 2016-07-08 18:06:00 2017-02-11 06:40:55
Space settlers corporation SPSEC Brothers of Tangra 5 2015-09-01 14:40:00 2017-02-11 14:51:08
xSinnerSx SNNS 2 2015-10-04 19:56:00 2017-02-14 19:49:27
GOLDEN TRIDENT G--TR 2 2017-01-15 19:53:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Dream Ocean DR-O 1 2016-12-01 14:07:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
United Noobs Incorporated UNBIN 1 2016-09-18 23:18:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Diabolical plan of space exploration DPOE 3 2017-01-08 11:11:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Eternal Fight. ETFGT 9 2015-11-21 16:48:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Die Tochter des Waldes DTW 10 2015-05-12 18:38:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Petrovsky Stadium PSZ 3 2015-07-20 13:35:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Shaika Leika Tech. OXPA 4 2016-12-08 19:19:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Russians Never Give Up RNGU 22 2016-10-13 06:53:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
DarkMan's Lab DM.L 10 2016-01-10 14:34:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Superluminal Shadow SUPSH 3 2016-09-04 08:51:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Tactical Assault Squad Insignia TASSI 5 2015-07-25 15:07:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Big Ice Floe FINSW 10 2016-03-07 08:16:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Teppop NPC BAXTA 16 2015-11-18 18:43:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Rabbit Base RBBSE 3 2016-09-03 18:51:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Infernal Ghosts INGH 35 2015-04-29 20:31:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
B-52 B-52 15 2016-03-21 16:05:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
WutReg WUTR 16 2015-07-12 12:57:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Silver castle NEBM 35 2016-11-29 19:19:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Gypsy's Hand Bears GSHB 7 2016-09-23 09:27:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
United Engine Corporation U.E.C 4 2016-12-23 03:23:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
TechnoluzlzDead TLZL 0 2016-10-25 12:45:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Utopia Ltd UTOPL 1 2016-12-26 19:49:00 2017-02-28 19:03:22
Southern Citizens holding -SC-H 3 2015-04-21 21:24:00 2017-07-31 10:57:09
PHP MySQL NGINX Webserver Firefox EVE Onlline Twitter @wollari Facebook
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