Alliance Share

Azure Citizen
Name Azure Citizen
Ticker AZURE
Faction -
Members 3869
Corporations 95
Founded 2020-02-11
AllianceID 99009764

Corporations [95]

  Name Ticker Member Joined
(Executor Corp)Azure Citizen Holding ESTME 14 2020-02-11 13:28:38
One of Seventeen One ONE71 55 2020-02-18 09:16:03
Demonic MeoW D MEO 4 2020-05-16 14:45:21
Lily Brinalle Corporation AWERA 27 2020-08-07 23:00:57
Rat Nation RATNA 244 2020-10-09 23:16:04
BabyDragon-dududu BDDU 8 2020-10-30 21:16:02
Scarlet Forseken -S F- 62 2020-11-11 18:00:43
Bad Influence -1BAD 151 2021-03-20 17:31:06
Karma Fleet KFKPK 170 2021-03-26 18:45:30
Wolframium 74W 507 2021-05-08 19:00:55
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles TMNTS 32 2021-05-08 20:01:02
Vampire Corporation VRJM 7 2021-05-14 23:15:16
GhostWaffe GSWF 22 2021-06-30 22:31:03
Wings of the Upwind WIOIW 148 2021-09-19 23:46:04
Korporacija Umbrella KUMB 298 2022-01-05 00:51:14
Karovan INC .KINC 38 2022-02-03 18:15:17
QUARTER NOTE 1.4TH 1 2022-03-06 19:00:01
Afk pilots association AFKP 20 2022-05-16 05:30:19
Mana Flask Corporation GNARI 142 2022-08-01 03:45:31
FS Holding FSOFF 494 2022-08-31 23:46:00
Dip Demons Corporation DIP D 19 2022-09-08 19:30:54
Space Hunters RU SH.RU 94 2022-11-02 19:31:01
Moon Friends Please Ignore -CO3- 114 2022-11-19 23:16:03
Servicing Everyone Anonymously S.3.A 37 2023-02-28 01:01:01
Minmatar Duct Tape Inc. MDTI 23 2023-07-19 15:46:00
Cryogenic Consultancy C-C 60 2023-07-26 16:46:00
Republic Of Chaos .REP. 74 2023-07-26 16:46:00
Holy Spirit s MILKO 14 2023-08-02 20:31:03
LoreWorld Traveler LWT.. 296 2023-10-24 16:31:05
CATGO CATGO 35 2023-11-04 19:31:00
Traditional Medicine Department TMD. 40 2023-12-04 05:31:04
ISHTAR PARTY MMTP2 29 2023-12-15 01:01:04
Tenal Taco Association TTA5 11 2023-12-16 00:31:01
StroiBat USSR SBUSS 9 2023-12-21 20:01:06
FMA Corp FMACO 8 2024-02-11 00:31:02
so poor so sad SOPSA 1 2024-02-29 17:45:01
In the Morning ITMM 1 2024-02-29 17:45:01
Five OClock 5O-C 1 2024-02-29 17:45:01
Week Knees WKK- 1 2024-02-29 17:45:01
Three Octave Corporation TOC-- 1 2024-02-29 17:45:01
Luckily OLD -LKY. 1 2024-02-29 17:45:01
Good Enough For ME GEFM 1 2024-02-29 17:45:01
Night ofDay Corporation NNOOD 1 2024-02-29 17:45:01
Sweet Nursy Escort NURSY 25 2024-03-01 20:46:06
Sure Not Corp SRNCP 26 2024-03-10 02:31:04
Nexus Galactic Systems ..NGS 1 2024-03-10 03:30:01
Twinkling BeautyAbove TW..E 1 2024-03-10 03:30:01
NebulaTech Corporation --NC- 1 2024-03-10 03:30:01
Hypernova Z Enterprises ZHZZE 1 2024-03-10 03:30:01
Astral Innovations Testing -AAIT 1 2024-03-10 03:30:01
Interstellar Dynamics Day IDD-- 1 2024-03-10 03:30:01
Horizon Corporation Blop HHCCB 1 2024-03-10 03:30:01
Infinity X Enterprises IXEEE 1 2024-03-10 03:30:01
Orion Interstellar Group OIGGG 1 2024-03-10 03:30:01
MyBigBigHead 0MBBH 1 2024-03-10 03:30:01
Galactic Dynamics Corp GGDDI 1 2024-03-10 03:30:01
Hyperion Galactic Group ..HGG 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
Quantum Go QUQUE 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
CosmoCorp COS-- 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
AstroTech Playground ..AP 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
Stellarradio Holdings Corp --SHC 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
Starlight Ventures Group --SVG 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
Stellar Solutions Corp Ltd. -SSCL 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
Celestial Innovations Corp CC-IN 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
GalactiCorp Etc G.ETC 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
Cosmos Conglomerate Inc --CCC 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
Nebulight Nexus .NBN. 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
Nova Technical Solutions -NTSS 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
Nebula Enterprisez .NEZ. 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
Solaris and Industries SII-- 1 2024-03-11 16:31:01
Cosmotech Systems Inc CCS-- 1 2024-03-14 00:30:09
Andromeda Group -.AG 1 2024-03-14 00:30:09
Celestial Ventures Ltd. -CVVL 1 2024-03-14 00:30:09
Gas Light Me .GLM. 1 2024-03-14 02:31:08
Astral Ent International AEEII 1 2024-03-14 02:31:08
MyStars WhataDay -.-SW 1 2024-03-14 02:31:08
Infinity Galactic Holdingss ..IGH 1 2024-03-14 02:31:08
Chen Sha GDLB 15 2024-03-27 06:01:04
TruculentTevende TRUCU 17 2024-04-14 23:01:40
BSEEV BSEEV 11 2024-05-12 23:01:08
PINOY ICE BREAKER PHICE 22 2024-08-15 01:15:22
Kansene Construction K4CON 4 2024-09-26 23:01:03
Tokiko's Secret Base Z.L.Z 88 2024-10-01 00:31:01
Tokiko's Secret Base Holding ZLZHD 13 2024-10-01 00:31:01
beiguofengguang BEIGU 42 2024-10-22 19:46:02
A.T Singularity A T . 21 2024-12-04 04:31:47
RevoltTech Enterprise REV-E 27 2024-12-06 03:16:03
Wonderland Without Night MENGS 102 2024-12-08 20:46:01
Nameless Mountain 1NM1 33 2024-12-29 02:01:02
6SaintDevils9 SDS69 20 2025-01-01 07:31:02
YOU DREAM TRADING YOUDR 16 2025-01-11 22:31:04
Index Astartes ARSTA 9 2025-01-14 21:45:51
Crab Swamp CRSW 17 2025-01-20 01:31:05
Somos de otro mundo SOM-1 7 2025-02-06 17:46:04
Digital Sea DIS3A 7 2025-02-13 18:46:03

Former Corporations [278]

  Name Ticker Alliance (Now) Member Joined Left
MAD.unicorn M.UN 73 2020-02-13 17:01:04 2020-02-16 12:46:02
Town Hall XXLD 2 2020-02-18 02:16:03 2020-02-22 11:16:02
Lightcone-X L.C.X Dracarys. 33 2020-02-13 13:01:50 2020-03-08 08:16:06
CMISP W.CM 24 2020-02-22 00:01:04 2020-03-23 17:00:10
The Brodyagi NWA-- 5 2020-03-24 18:31:07 2020-03-29 21:31:06
Red Lotus Legion XSWL. 17 2020-03-29 23:31:07 2020-04-13 13:46:04
49 City. 4.9.C Brave United 15 2020-03-04 05:46:49 2020-04-30 07:16:05
Red Lotus Legion XSWL. 17 2020-04-14 18:31:08 2020-04-30 09:31:04
Carpatian-RO CPT-R 4 2020-03-27 03:31:02 2020-05-03 08:46:05
Carpatian-RO CPT-R 4 2020-05-06 05:16:06 2020-05-14 19:01:05
Yello starKK YSKK 1 2020-05-10 18:45:52 2020-05-21 02:01:08
Black Wing Lair B.W.L 16 2020-04-03 12:16:07 2020-06-19 21:01:33
Moroccan forcesDead M.G.B 0 2020-02-18 22:31:03 2020-06-24 15:46:30
YUE YE ZHI JIAN TGGK 50 2020-05-18 02:01:14 2020-07-04 19:01:36
Nenidochi Hanomaa Corporation NENID 10 2020-06-03 05:46:04 2020-07-04 19:01:36
Traffic police corps TPC.J 95 2020-02-16 12:46:03 2020-07-08 03:30:55
Pone Corp POCP 29 2020-07-04 01:46:36 2020-07-09 06:46:04
Gillma Holding GLLM 1 2020-07-03 16:46:34 2020-07-14 01:45:13
Glory Bobo GLBOB 59 2020-06-06 20:31:04 2020-07-14 01:45:13
EternalAceu ENGEO 1 2020-07-15 02:01:04 2020-07-29 15:15:59
Pandora Deep Space Trading Group PDSTG 9 2020-02-16 12:46:03 2020-08-02 01:30:59
you are my favorite hello URFH 2 2020-02-20 00:31:03 2020-08-02 01:30:59
Robot Team .KFC 5 2020-04-27 06:01:07 2020-08-02 01:30:59
The safe house EMMM 1 2020-04-04 17:45:20 2020-08-02 01:30:59
Avari Tavern PUBAT 12 2020-03-10 17:00:20 2020-08-02 01:30:59
Lost Atlantis LSAT 5 2020-02-19 00:31:02 2020-08-02 01:30:59
Be gu gu no war QWT 1 2020-03-28 19:01:05 2020-08-02 01:30:59
Venal Narcotic Industry -VNI- 8 2020-02-19 05:31:02 2020-08-02 01:30:59
Blasted Lands B.LDS 32 2020-02-15 08:01:08 2020-08-02 01:30:59
Star Sapphire Corporation SSP-C 1 2020-02-16 12:46:03 2020-08-02 01:30:59
My Cute Anime WaifuDead MCAW 0 2020-02-13 10:00:16 2020-08-02 01:30:59
Grow a sunflowerDead 100T 0 2020-02-13 17:01:04 2020-08-02 01:30:59
New VNI NVNI 32 2020-02-19 05:31:02 2020-08-02 01:30:59
Lightcone-X L.C.X Dracarys. 33 2020-03-09 09:30:28 2020-08-02 01:30:59
Star Light. SL.. 7 2020-03-04 09:46:46 2020-08-02 01:30:59
Send you back to the West SYBW 12 2020-07-06 08:16:04 2020-08-02 01:30:59
sousou yi sousou SOYSO 8 2020-06-21 17:01:04 2020-08-02 01:30:59
Kastiainen Va KVIC 19 2020-06-25 03:46:34 2020-08-02 01:30:59
lol yoyo Corporation LOL Y 6 2020-06-28 01:31:04 2020-08-02 01:30:59
east greek trade company WOSHI 10 2020-06-17 15:46:04 2020-08-02 01:30:59
EVE mylov3 EVEL3 1 2020-06-24 07:46:02 2020-08-02 01:30:59
shuizao ZG S Z Z 33 2020-02-17 05:46:03 2020-08-02 01:30:59
kongfu staar KONG7 3 2020-06-09 01:31:08 2020-08-02 01:30:59
Strategic Millitary Service S.MS 28 2020-02-22 00:01:04 2020-08-07 13:00:06
Moroccan forcesDead M.G.B 0 2020-06-26 19:16:05 2020-08-13 04:56:32
Andorhal QA.SS 9 2020-03-27 15:45:41 2020-08-14 20:01:01
Staub im Weltraum CN OSIWO 1 2020-02-25 15:46:05 2020-08-14 20:01:01
Squid One Sun. SSUN. 8 2020-08-29 23:31:01 2020-09-01 15:31:01
Earth Joint Defense Force EJDF 61 2020-07-07 04:31:06 2020-09-16 02:01:06
Spark Fleet XHLY Fraternity. 96 2020-09-04 06:30:38 2020-09-22 12:00:42
me and African King BDJB 35 2020-02-18 11:16:04 2020-09-25 17:36:25
clear beer room C.BR 13 2020-05-22 03:16:07 2020-09-25 17:36:25
Temple of Darkness TOD.S 34 2020-06-02 03:31:08 2020-09-25 17:36:25
Exploratores Flavius EXPII 16 2020-06-16 15:46:47 2020-09-25 17:36:25
Animal Holy AHMAL 3 2020-07-23 16:16:05 2020-10-07 21:46:03
Scholz Interstellar IndustriesDead SCZII 0 2020-04-26 23:01:05 2020-10-07 21:46:03
True Power Team .TPT. 92 2020-02-27 16:16:05 2020-10-07 21:46:03
z3. G-Fleet Z3. 2 2020-05-24 20:46:04 2020-10-15 00:45:08
z3. Fleet Z3.F 2 2020-05-24 20:46:04 2020-10-15 21:45:22
Hetzer Jagdpanzer J.D.H 6 2020-10-02 06:31:05 2020-11-10 06:28:12
Lim Aviation Industry Co LtdDead LIVV 0 2020-10-22 13:31:04 2020-11-15 07:16:38
LAZY CROCODILDOS 03rusDead LYZKO 0 2020-09-20 19:01:04 2020-11-16 03:30:22
BEGood Space BEGS 18 2020-08-21 19:31:06 2020-11-18 19:16:03
T.W.I.E.R.D.Z.A TWIE 4 2020-10-11 04:21:29 2020-11-30 13:31:03
The Royal Guard Of Salty Fish T.GOO 7 2020-05-03 02:30:44 2020-11-30 23:46:02
The Brodyagi NWA-- 5 2020-08-04 18:35:58 2020-12-03 18:00:23
Anime Lolis LOLI- Weebed-Out 6 2020-10-19 17:01:05 2020-12-08 01:16:02
Giger Corp GIGE 19 2020-09-25 22:26:57 2020-12-08 01:16:02
Crushers of Anomalies CROAN 5 2020-10-10 00:16:05 2020-12-08 01:16:02
Ungeziefer Bekaempfer U-KAM Dark Squirrel Syndicate 8 2020-10-10 04:16:43 2020-12-08 01:16:02
Alien Mining Corp AMC- 7 2020-08-31 22:00:16 2020-12-08 01:16:02
MegacolonyDead MGCLY 0 2020-12-23 19:31:03 2020-12-27 07:01:01
21TH Continued life JZ.M 4 2020-08-04 19:30:42 2021-01-02 18:16:03
Pan-northern United front PNUF 1 2020-09-13 03:56:23 2021-01-02 18:16:03
Absolute Order X AO10 Vendetta Mercenary Group 44 2020-07-09 01:46:35 2021-01-05 11:46:02
xDECOYx -D0- DECOY 130 2020-10-10 14:16:04 2021-01-24 01:01:02
Stellar SwordDead ST-SW 0 2021-02-05 20:01:00 2021-02-06 15:01:02
Vesnik VES1 6 2020-08-09 19:16:00 2021-02-09 19:01:01
CNGF Rent CNGFR 5 2020-10-11 20:16:06 2021-02-09 19:01:01
The LeQuint Dickey Mining Co TLQDM 16 2020-12-05 19:45:43 2021-02-11 19:31:03
Ibis Fleet IBISF 105 2020-02-14 10:01:03 2021-03-04 07:46:05
BEGood Space BEGS 18 2020-11-19 20:46:04 2021-03-13 17:46:06
Dip Demons Corporation DIP D Azure Citizen 19 2021-01-20 06:31:01 2021-03-14 16:46:04
Vampire Corporation VRJM Azure Citizen 7 2021-03-24 22:31:06 2021-04-14 16:30:59
NAsin00 7658 5 2021-01-26 01:31:02 2021-04-14 16:30:59
caosi2cptmdxx CAOSI 2 2020-11-14 07:01:02 2021-04-14 16:30:59
Sacred reappearanceDead S.APE 0 2021-01-21 07:01:00 2021-04-14 16:30:59
NAsin0 NM921 3 2021-01-11 04:46:01 2021-04-14 16:30:59
Capital Endeavors CAP-U 5 2020-12-28 17:01:06 2021-04-19 02:01:01
Slowly Gently SGHLT 4 2020-12-24 20:45:29 2021-04-20 16:31:06
Church of the Tick God RECEH 2 2020-12-20 00:16:01 2021-04-20 16:31:06
MegacolonyDead MGCLY 0 2020-12-30 23:31:03 2021-05-12 07:01:05
Starburst Enterprises STAEN 11 2021-04-22 03:46:06 2021-05-13 18:01:01
La Cicatriz Industry Corporation LAICA 11 2021-05-08 19:00:55 2021-06-08 03:01:02
Mafia.Ru MF99 34 2020-08-18 23:31:05 2021-06-08 04:00:59
The New Fuxi N.FX 3 2020-02-15 08:01:08 2021-06-08 04:00:59
VKL-Bel VKL-B 14 2020-11-04 23:51:01 2021-06-08 04:00:59
YueShadow YUE-S 5 2020-11-22 03:16:04 2021-06-08 04:00:59
Kramer-Seinfield Inc. KS4 6 2020-02-20 00:31:03 2021-06-08 04:00:59
are you ready 123Dead AYR12 0 2020-07-06 05:15:14 2021-06-08 04:00:59
Strategic Scientific Legion SH.D 8 2020-09-17 01:00:23 2021-06-08 04:00:59
Wing of the death DEED. STAR TRAILS ALLIANCE 21 2020-08-14 01:16:06 2021-07-03 19:16:00
NAsin00 7658 5 2021-05-14 07:16:02 2021-07-15 18:15:59
Rage Room ROOO 5 2021-01-25 21:31:04 2021-08-04 11:45:08
Critters of the Universe -C U- 3 2020-11-04 23:51:01 2021-09-04 20:01:03
5S Standards 5S S 14 2021-06-03 22:15:34 2021-09-06 20:16:04
Wings of the Upwind WIOIW Azure Citizen 148 2021-01-04 09:30:08 2021-09-17 19:30:59
zombie land Corp Z99Z 4 2021-05-28 00:46:06 2021-09-21 20:45:59
Big eyes shine BEYES 5 2021-09-16 01:31:04 2021-09-23 03:00:40
KOTAHbI KOTAH 17 2021-02-06 18:01:03 2021-10-06 19:01:06
ASTRA AEGIS mining expedition fleet AAMEF 26 2021-06-12 20:46:00 2021-10-08 18:00:53
Q0o0Q QSCEO 13 2021-07-03 15:15:09 2021-10-08 18:00:53
The Alpha Evil Spirit Fleet TAESF 17 2021-05-24 02:17:03 2021-10-08 19:00:59
Peach Pit Corp P.I.T 13 2021-04-01 20:00:02 2021-10-15 15:46:02
Whispering Shadow.Dead -WS.- 0 2021-08-27 23:16:01 2021-10-15 21:01:00
Flame Ore Trading Group FOTG. 8 2021-08-07 18:01:00 2021-10-19 00:46:05
Flame Ore Trading Group FOTG. 8 2021-10-21 05:45:48 2021-10-26 00:30:54
Oboz pracy nie przymusowejDead O N R 0 2021-06-04 02:15:36 2021-11-05 17:45:55
Lonetrek Trade and Industries LTTI Pan-Intergalatic Business Community 43 2021-02-17 17:50:42 2021-11-05 17:45:55
Crushers of Anomalies CROAN 5 2021-07-07 22:01:03 2021-11-05 17:45:55
SumiCorpSv PAZUC 24 2021-07-20 22:01:03 2021-11-05 17:45:55
Measure of Entropy JOPAC 8 2021-06-27 16:16:01 2021-11-06 22:45:51
Primordial Freelancers B-FRE Dark Squirrel Syndicate 69 2021-02-26 03:01:03 2021-11-11 10:01:00
Terminus. TRM. 26 2021-09-19 23:46:04 2021-11-21 19:00:48
Mandolorian Special Ops 01R Dark Squirrel Syndicate 16 2021-06-27 16:16:01 2021-12-01 19:46:01
Bickisdig multinationale JPCHS 3 2021-11-04 18:30:06 2021-12-21 04:31:00
FA Liapfup CFAI 20 2021-10-21 05:45:48 2022-01-24 23:16:01
Cosmic Rangers COSMS 2 2020-07-13 16:46:05 2022-01-25 13:16:40
south mining groupDead SMG-R 0 2021-09-06 17:16:02 2022-01-25 21:15:00
Aquincum. -AQA- Phoenix Cartel. 9 2021-08-31 22:46:05 2022-01-28 18:30:59
ORE Project CREOZ 50 2021-10-20 18:46:05 2022-01-28 18:30:59
Legion of xXCitizensXxDead .XCX. 0 2021-10-29 22:31:00 2022-02-01 01:46:00
holy orthodox lasers HLASX 1 2021-12-19 00:30:38 2022-02-03 21:16:01
Z3R0 ROI Z3R0S 30 2022-01-12 23:45:26 2022-02-04 05:16:37
Draken Harald Harfagre D-H-H 17 2021-12-16 04:00:06 2022-02-05 17:15:00
Rnd Prod RNDPT 4 2020-10-30 19:16:03 2022-02-08 19:15:19
Malawai MALAW 28 2021-11-03 21:31:01 2022-02-08 19:15:19
soy bois BPUSS 2 2022-01-12 17:45:10 2022-02-13 20:30:39
Free cross EagleDead F.C.R 0 2021-12-05 04:46:00 2022-02-17 05:00:59
66SIXDead F.IRE 0 2022-01-05 02:46:01 2022-02-28 23:00:15
EndlessRain ENRA Naval Defence Alliance 96 2022-01-17 23:01:02 2022-03-01 19:01:01
QUARTER NOTE 1.4TH Azure Citizen 1 2021-12-09 19:30:28 2022-03-04 22:01:01
EldoTeamDead ELDOM 0 2021-03-23 06:30:23 2022-03-13 22:30:59
New Risen Inc. RSN- 3 2021-02-24 19:01:03 2022-03-14 16:31:01
2000 Corporation ALI20 2 2021-11-04 18:30:06 2022-03-16 17:31:02
Explorers of deer space EXDRS 5 2021-11-04 18:30:06 2022-03-19 18:00:59
Feniks LTD Corporation VPFC 2 2021-09-22 20:46:02 2022-03-23 22:45:59
Connection Found S V L 1 2022-03-02 20:00:02 2022-04-17 03:30:00
Z3R0 ROI Z3R0S 30 2022-02-12 20:31:00 2022-04-22 22:00:59
Freedom Pilots Union RFPU No Value 80 2021-12-08 17:31:48 2022-05-01 19:45:59
All About Those Supply Chains AATSC 63 2021-04-08 01:31:02 2022-05-04 18:45:50
OIOOOOII OIIOIIII OIIIOOIO OIIIOOOO OIIOO 1 2022-01-17 23:01:02 2022-05-04 18:45:50
5S Standards 5S S 14 2021-10-16 21:31:06 2022-05-04 18:45:50
The Berserkers BRSKS 6 2022-01-18 19:01:00 2022-05-04 18:45:50
Outer Ring Assembly and Excavatory Services ORAES 3 2022-04-09 18:31:02 2022-05-27 16:31:02
War Eagle Skouts WEFSK 9 2021-05-13 03:01:06 2022-06-11 17:31:01
Sleeping war SLPW 136 2021-03-20 17:31:06 2022-06-16 21:16:01
Unwavering Discipline UWDSP 7 2022-03-01 00:01:03 2022-06-28 04:15:59
White Hole CrewDead WHC. 0 2022-04-26 22:00:32 2022-06-28 23:01:00
Retired Old Codgers ROC.H 3 2022-05-18 02:01:36 2022-07-09 05:01:01
Mandolorian Special Ops 01R Dark Squirrel Syndicate 16 2022-01-10 22:46:01 2022-07-11 18:16:00
Fallen rabbits Corporation FARA4 15 2022-05-30 03:00:02 2022-07-15 16:31:02
Primordial Freelancers B-FRE Dark Squirrel Syndicate 69 2022-01-10 22:46:01 2022-08-09 00:45:29
ForeStar Interstellar Industries FSII- 51 2022-04-26 03:01:00 2022-08-16 23:00:16
Brothers of Tyr BROTY Goonswarm Federation 506 2022-02-28 03:01:04 2022-09-01 05:45:08
Ch31fda10r14n5LS C3110 Dark Squirrel Syndicate 27 2022-03-31 05:46:01 2022-09-12 21:30:52
New Risen Inc. RSN- 3 2022-05-09 21:00:05 2022-11-05 04:01:05
With0ut SkiLLs W0SK 8 2021-09-14 00:16:03 2022-11-11 22:31:38
HARDCORESQUAD HCSQ 8 2022-05-31 00:46:00 2022-11-11 22:31:38
INY Rental corp INYRC 2 2022-08-07 21:15:16 2022-11-11 23:31:39
Ancient Council AN-C 5 2021-02-10 20:01:07 2022-11-15 23:31:00
InterlinkDead ILINK 0 2021-03-19 02:15:46 2022-12-10 12:31:00
Ruler of Pithum PAMSH 7 2022-08-22 20:15:28 2022-12-11 22:46:01
Darkheart Mining Co DKMC0 10 2021-12-26 21:31:02 2022-12-14 22:01:00
xBlack Sails XBLAC 20 2020-03-05 00:00:20 2022-12-14 22:01:00
Interstellar Marines LNMES Mohist Alliance 36 2022-03-19 05:30:37 2022-12-15 01:15:32
haoyun2022 H2022 38 2022-02-23 23:01:00 2022-12-15 01:15:32
Zbawiciel Diesel ZBAD 12 2022-10-22 20:01:01 2022-12-23 00:16:02
HONG KONG POLICE HKPF 34 2022-12-08 17:16:00 2022-12-30 15:31:00
Z3R0 ROI Z3R0S 30 2022-05-11 05:01:03 2023-01-08 03:31:02
OreWorks IndustryDead WORKX 0 2023-01-01 05:00:16 2023-01-09 01:45:59
Blaupunkt Star BLASR 71 2020-02-16 12:46:03 2023-01-16 00:16:01
Forces of Nature FOFN 12 2022-06-03 00:31:02 2023-01-18 00:01:00
Beyond Deep Space BYDSE 1 2021-08-11 23:31:01 2023-01-18 00:01:00
Crushers of Anomalies CROAN 5 2022-01-01 21:46:11 2023-01-18 00:01:00
liangshan 108 TAOGE 11 2020-08-16 15:31:01 2023-01-18 00:01:00
Solar Lottery SLTTR 50 2022-11-28 05:45:30 2023-01-19 20:16:01
shtrpr itfrpr trifrp corporation SITCJ 6 2022-03-20 19:00:28 2023-01-21 17:45:59
unDuck Corporation ZJPCT 5 2022-03-14 23:31:02 2023-01-21 17:45:59
BTK Mercenary Group B2K. Lucky Starbase Syndicate 47 2023-01-11 21:16:03 2023-02-07 13:16:00
ECOLE EVE FRANCOPHONE FZB2 The Nocturnal Aura 3 2022-10-09 23:16:02 2023-02-10 01:16:00
Justified Vindication JUVI 6 2022-11-07 22:00:08 2023-02-20 16:30:59
ECOLE EVE FRANCOPHONE FZB2 The Nocturnal Aura 3 2023-02-11 20:30:55 2023-02-26 20:31:03
TGA Forever TGA.F 8 2022-10-26 18:01:05 2023-03-14 23:01:00
The Darkness Mercenaries T D M V E N D E T T A. 16 2022-12-05 21:31:02 2023-03-28 16:01:36
Light of Orion LOFO 38 2021-02-26 18:00:16 2023-04-03 19:00:09
WCG Holding WCG H 1 2023-04-23 17:01:01 2023-06-01 17:45:45
Holy monolit MONLT 24 2023-08-23 19:15:44 2023-08-31 17:31:01
Ringline2023 RL23 4 2023-08-17 18:16:02 2023-09-14 21:01:01
Farmium 100FM 1 2023-07-08 17:31:01 2023-10-08 22:01:32
Alone in deepspace --ADS 1 2023-07-10 21:31:03 2023-10-12 00:45:20
Gorilaz BangDead GZBG 0 2023-07-30 00:46:01 2023-10-12 00:45:20
NO REFUND NOUND 1 2023-08-29 00:16:02 2023-10-12 23:46:04
Pandemic Night Elves NELFS 628 2023-07-02 16:46:00 2023-11-02 12:46:00
Bounty Collection Agency BTYC 21 2020-03-24 22:31:08 2023-11-03 23:01:02
Die Holzhauer DH52 5 2023-08-30 22:15:32 2023-11-06 18:01:07
Tundra Wookees WOOKZ 23 2021-02-14 02:01:00 2023-11-06 18:01:07
djhaos Corporation DJHAO 5 2023-08-15 21:16:00 2023-11-06 18:01:07
Final Fantasy inc. ILFF 5 2022-03-06 01:01:00 2023-11-17 21:15:01
Galaxy Sanction Center GSCX East Wind. 10 2023-09-01 02:30:56 2023-11-17 22:16:04
TGA Forever TGA.F 8 2023-07-08 17:31:01 2023-11-17 22:16:04
The Rose Stealing MelonDead S.TEA 0 2022-10-26 17:01:02 2023-11-17 22:16:04
Atlas' holdings X00 5 2023-09-17 23:31:01 2023-11-22 22:46:06
Elderly Care Company YLGS 1 2023-11-01 18:31:02 2023-12-14 23:00:59
Other People's Money OPMON 4 2023-10-20 00:31:04 2024-01-21 23:31:00
I.O.P. Manufacturing CompanyDead I-O-P 0 2023-11-25 21:15:09 2024-01-24 15:31:08
Cybertech System Industries CBTSI 8 2023-07-19 15:46:00 2024-01-24 21:30:01
Ringline2023 RL23 4 2023-09-18 22:01:04 2024-01-24 22:30:08
PowerCube PO-CU Brothers of Tangra 26 2023-12-11 19:46:03 2024-01-24 22:30:08
Kurai Guntai KRGT 4 2023-07-03 20:16:01 2024-01-24 22:30:08
Dipper NorthDead D.PN 0 2023-07-19 20:46:00 2024-01-24 22:30:08
Funny Farm Inc FUTTS 11 2023-08-05 18:31:01 2024-01-24 22:30:08
Rusty Fleet TIER7 2 2022-12-20 19:45:17 2024-01-24 22:30:08
NorthLite Inspection AgencyDead KRNER 0 2023-09-15 18:16:02 2024-01-30 05:30:59
Good Meowning. NYAA. 1 2023-10-17 19:01:01 2024-02-24 01:31:00
Slave of Sloth SAVEI 1 2024-02-07 21:31:00 2024-03-02 13:00:16
Denver Shootout DEN-S 1 2024-02-29 17:45:01 2024-03-08 19:15:29
Genuine Spacers GENS- 1 2024-02-29 17:45:01 2024-03-08 19:15:29
New York Ships and Things NY-ST 1 2024-02-29 17:45:01 2024-03-08 19:15:29
The Hometown of the Dragon LZGL 20 2023-12-04 05:31:04 2024-03-25 21:01:04
Xinghai Free Trade XINGH 50 2023-11-12 12:46:04 2024-03-29 16:16:04
Lost Your Mind CRA2Y 11 2024-01-04 03:30:53 2024-04-01 18:31:01
Genesis Federation CSGEN 7 2022-10-28 22:31:00 2024-04-01 18:31:01
Wanderer's Home YYDSY 71 2023-07-14 19:15:44 2024-04-01 18:31:01
Best Shrimp Inc. HKSOG 27 2023-07-21 01:01:03 2024-04-08 12:01:04
SumiCorpSv PAZUC 24 2024-03-18 21:46:02 2024-04-11 17:00:59
RedCry R.CRY 17 2023-08-07 22:01:03 2024-04-13 22:01:05
OSTRYI XALAPENIO OSTXA 6 2024-04-09 20:01:06 2024-04-24 15:01:07
LOUNTREK ITS A BEST LABSL 15 2024-03-04 22:00:33 2024-04-24 15:01:07
Trinity Industrial Services LLC. TISLL SL0W CHILDREN AT PLAY 86 2022-04-02 22:01:02 2024-04-27 20:15:38
Xinting's impart houseDead XIH- 0 2023-07-08 17:31:01 2024-04-29 15:31:05
SumiCorpSv PAZUC 24 2024-04-13 21:01:39 2024-05-09 14:45:59
RED COVEN RCOV 10 2022-05-09 20:01:01 2024-05-25 21:00:35
Windy Valley Ranch WV.R 5 2024-01-30 05:31:00 2024-05-25 21:00:35
Independence Construction TILCC 9 2024-05-07 01:31:00 2024-06-03 20:16:05
Neptune PVP Corporation NPVP 52 2024-06-05 23:31:04 2024-07-04 16:00:59
Venice Chamber of Commerce VC-C 23 2024-04-09 17:01:03 2024-07-07 00:00:54
The Obsidian Order TOO. 7 2023-08-10 19:31:03 2024-07-16 22:01:06
New Risen Inc. RSN- 3 2024-06-17 20:01:37 2024-08-22 16:16:05
Jelly Bears Corporation JBCN 10 2024-06-04 20:31:04 2024-09-08 00:00:47
Jump Scare J801 1 2024-01-14 02:46:06 2024-09-08 00:00:47
Nothern SupplyDead N0SUP 0 2024-02-09 20:30:31 2024-09-25 23:01:06
Tokiko's Secret Base Z.L.Z Azure Citizen 88 2024-05-12 21:01:00 2024-09-28 16:01:06
Tokiko Secret Base -ZLZ- 3 2024-04-09 20:01:06 2024-09-28 16:01:06
Mom I'm In Space Now MIISN 10 2024-07-11 20:45:29 2024-11-03 14:31:09
Bull socket NIUP 44 2024-06-15 17:45:59 2024-11-07 02:00:43
ORE Project CREOZ 50 2022-01-30 18:46:02 2024-11-07 02:00:43
Roberts Space Ind. SQ101 25 2024-05-26 14:01:00 2024-11-13 22:31:05
Interstellar Express Transport Complex IETCC 1 2023-08-12 20:16:00 2024-11-14 18:31:06
A.T Singularity A T . Azure Citizen 21 2024-02-24 06:31:02 2024-11-14 18:31:06
Discount Abyssals and Doohickeys DAADS 3 2024-05-08 20:46:02 2024-11-14 18:31:06
Neptune PVP Corporation NPVP 52 2024-07-06 01:01:06 2024-11-14 18:31:06
Interstellar Dyna Corp .ID-- 1 2024-03-14 00:30:09 2024-11-14 18:31:06
lonely man keep away LMKA 8 2024-06-04 20:31:04 2024-11-16 01:46:04
Wonderland Without Night MENGS Azure Citizen 102 2022-03-02 01:00:27 2024-11-28 23:00:54
Rnd Prod RNDPT 4 2022-02-12 19:30:09 2024-12-26 22:46:04
The galaxy sets sail GGAX 28 2024-01-06 21:45:31 2024-12-26 22:46:04
Fortress Digital FODAL 17 2024-02-04 00:30:59 2024-12-26 22:46:04
YOU DREAM TRADING YOUDR Azure Citizen 16 2024-10-22 19:46:02 2024-12-26 22:46:04
Tenfinsbury Square TENFI 18 2024-03-30 17:16:04 2024-12-26 22:46:04
Dinosaurs With Hats DIN0. 31 2024-10-26 01:00:23 2025-01-07 02:16:01
Star Protocol SPT55 21 2024-11-10 03:00:06 2025-01-12 17:16:01
Legendary Master Feeder XIAGE 2 2024-04-09 01:00:10 2025-01-12 17:16:01
Nightingale Cry Industrial Manufacturing NCIM 7 2024-10-22 19:46:02 2025-01-12 17:16:01
Unknown City UC-1 24 2024-12-19 22:46:08 2025-01-12 17:16:01
Free Caregiver FCER 6 2024-07-10 23:31:04 2025-01-13 18:15:39
Lemming Training INC. LETIC 5 2024-10-24 02:45:46 2025-02-18 02:30:04
Emma Knight's Sword EK-SD 11 2025-01-12 17:16:02 2025-02-18 02:30:04
PHP MySQL NGINX Webserver Firefox EVE Onlline Twitter @wollari Facebook
API J:19 Feb 20:57 K:19 Feb 20:43 C:19 Feb 20:58 A:19 Feb 20:57 O:04 Jun 11:15 F:19 Feb 20:49 S:19 Feb 20:32 W:19 Feb 20:15