Alliances & Corporations

Sov | All | DeadAlliance Ranking - Sorted by number of corps [13734]

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    Alliance Systems Members Corps
1703. Bunch of Idiotz Bunch of Idiotz 0 0 0
1704. Bund deutscher Baumeister Bund deutscher Baumeister 0 0 0
1705. Bunneh Brigade Bunneh Brigade 0 0 0
1706. Bunny Nation Bunny Nation 0 0 0
1707. BURJUVA. BURJUVA. 0 0 0
1708. BURJUVA. BURJUVA. 0 0 0
1709. Burn Away Burn Away 0 0 0
1711. Burning Ambition Burning Ambition 0 0 0
1712. Burning Horizons Burning Horizons 0 0 0
1713. Burning Horizons Burning Horizons 0 0 0
1714. Burning Sandles Burning Sandles 0 0 0
1715. Burning Souls Burning Souls 0 0 0
1716. Burning Spear. Burning Spear. 0 0 0
1717. BurningSpear BurningSpear 0 0 0
1718. Burnt Out Pith-C Burnt Out Pith-C 0 0 0
1719. Bushido Nation Bushido Nation 0 0 0
1720. Bussy Inspection Bureau Bussy Inspection Bureau 0 0 0
1721. Butterfly Effect Alliance Butterfly Effect Alliance 0 0 0
1722. ButtSharpie ButtSharpie 0 0 0
1723. By Deliberate Means By Deliberate Means 0 0 0
1724. Byaki Buki Byaki Buki 0 0 0
1725. Bystanders Bystanders 0 0 0
1726. Bytes of War Ind. Bytes of War Ind. 0 0 0
1727. C E B E P C E B E P 0 0 0
1728. C I R C U S C I R C U S 0 0 0
1729. C L O U D C L O U D 0 0 0
1730. C O I N Alliance C O I N Alliance 0 0 0
1731. C O N F L I C T C O N F L I C T 0 0 0
1732. C O R S A I R S C O R S A I R S 0 0 0
1733. C R Y P T I C C R Y P T I C 0 0 0
1734. C-9 C-9 0 0 0
1735. C.A.L.M C.A.L.M 0 0 0
1736. C.A.P. Empire C.A.P. Empire 0 0 0
1737. C.A.R.T.E.L. C.A.R.T.E.L. 0 0 0
1738. C.H.A.L.I.C.E. C.H.A.L.I.C.E. 0 0 0
1739. C.H.O.A.M C.H.O.A.M 0 0 0
1740. C.L.O.N.E C.L.O.N.E 0 0 0
1741. C.L.O.N.E. C.L.O.N.E. 0 0 0
1742. C.O.N.S.O.R.T.I.U.M. C.O.N.S.O.R.T.I.U.M. 0 0 0
1743. C.O.N.T.R.O.L. C.O.N.T.R.O.L. 0 0 0
1744. C.O.N.T.R.O.L. C.O.N.T.R.O.L. 0 0 0
1745. C.O.R.E Alliance C.O.R.E Alliance 0 0 0
1746. C.R-S13 Syndicate C.R-S13 Syndicate 0 0 0
1747. C.U.S.D.R C.U.S.D.R 0 0 0
1748. C0-0P C0-0P 0 0 0
1749. C0L0NY C0L0NY 0 0 0
1751. c0ntaminated c0ntaminated 0 0 0
1752. C0VEN C0VEN 0 0 0
1753. C4 Alliance C4 Alliance 0 0 0
1754. Cabal Empire Cabal Empire 0 0 0
1755. Cabal of Reputable and Awesome People Cabal of Reputable and Awesome People 0 0 0
1756. Cachellion Cachellion 0 0 0
1757. Cactus Cult Project Cactus Cult Project 0 0 0
1758. Cadavera Innumera Alliance Cadavera Innumera Alliance 0 0 0
1759. Caduceus Alliance Caduceus Alliance 0 0 0
1760. Caedite Eos Caedite Eos 0 0 0
1761. Caelum Accensum Caelum Accensum 0 0 0
1762. Caeruleum Alliance Caeruleum Alliance 0 0 0
1763. Caesars Legion Caesars Legion 0 0 0
1764. Caffeine Nicotine and Hate Caffeine Nicotine and Hate 0 0 0
1765. Cagarros Cagarros 0 0 0
1766. CaIamitous Crew CaIamitous Crew 0 0 0
1767. Caipiranha Allianz Caipiranha Allianz 0 0 0
1768. Cairdeas Alliance Cairdeas Alliance 0 0 0
1769. Caladrius University Caladrius University 0 0 0
1770. Caladrius University Caladrius University 0 0 0
1771. CalAmarri CalAmarri 0 0 0
1774. Caldamatar Caldamatar 0 0 0
1775. Caldari alliance 54683212 Caldari alliance 54683212 0 0 0
1776. Caldari Armed Forces. Caldari Armed Forces. 0 0 0
1777. Caldari Deep Space Industral Caldari Deep Space Industral 0 0 0
1778. Caldari Defence Initiative Caldari Defence Initiative 0 0 0
1779. Caldari Empire Alliance Caldari Empire Alliance 0 0 0
1780. Caldari Extortion Syndicate Caldari Extortion Syndicate 0 0 0
1781. Caldari Fleet and Operations Academy Caldari Fleet and Operations Academy 0 0 0
1782. Caldari Industrial Alliance Caldari Industrial Alliance 0 0 0
1783. Caldari Industrialist Association Caldari Industrialist Association 0 0 0
1784. Caldari Joint Alliance Command Caldari Joint Alliance Command 0 0 0
1785. Caldari Munitions and Minerals Caldari Munitions and Minerals 0 0 0
1786. Caldari National Defence Caldari National Defence 0 0 0
1787. Caldari Naval Command Caldari Naval Command 0 0 0
1788. Caldari Naval Command Caldari Naval Command 0 0 0
1789. Caldari Naval Warfare Caldari Naval Warfare 0 0 0
1790. Caldari Navy Armada Caldari Navy Armada 0 0 0
1791. Caldari Navy Reserve Caldari Navy Reserve 0 0 0
1792. Caldari Protectorate Forces Caldari Protectorate Forces 0 0 0
1793. Caldari Special Operations Group Caldari Special Operations Group 0 0 0
1794. Caldari State Capturing Caldari State Capturing 0 0 0
1795. Caldari State Iron Guard Caldari State Iron Guard 0 0 0
1797. Caldera State Caldera State 0 0 0
1798. Caldera State . Caldera State . 0 0 0
1799. CaLiARr Alliance CaLiARr Alliance 0 0 0
1800. Caliphate of xXKEBABXx Caliphate of xXKEBABXx 0 0 0
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