
NPC Corporation

Chief Executive Panel
Caldari State
Name Chief Executive Panel
Ticker CEP
Faction Caldari State
Home New Caldari
Agents 37
Members 38
TaxRate 0%

Members [38]

Stations [20]

Map Region: Lonetrek

Constellation System Security Name Type
Constellation Kainokai Map Ajanen 0.6 Ajanen X - Moon 3 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau
Constellation Kainokai Map Tsukuras 0.7 Tsukuras IX - Moon 3 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau
Constellation Okela Map Iidoken 0.8 Iidoken VII - Moon 7 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau
Constellation Okela Map Tsuguwa 0.8 Tsuguwa IV - Moon 4 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau

Map Region: The Citadel

Constellation System Security Name Type
Constellation Arekin Map Aikoro 0.8 Aikoro VI - Moon 9 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau
Constellation Arekin Map Alikara 0.7 Alikara VII - Moon 1 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau
Constellation Ieyama Map Ishomilken 0.4 Ishomilken IX - Moon 4 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau
Constellation Ieyama Map Uuna 0.4 Uuna VI - Moon 22 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau
Constellation Imurukka Map Isaziwa 0.7 Isaziwa IX - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau
Constellation Imurukka Map Isaziwa 0.7 Isaziwa X - Moon 1 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau
Constellation Outartoh Map Ono 0.8 Ono VII - Moon 3 - Chief Executive Panel Treasury Treasury
Constellation Outartoh Map Tasabeshi 0.8 Tasabeshi IV - Moon 2 - Chief Executive Panel Academy Academy
Constellation Santenpaa Map Motsu 0.9 Motsu VI - Moon 10 - Chief Executive Panel Academy Academy
Constellation Santenpaa Map Uotila 0.6 Uotila V - Moon 14 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau

Map Region: The Forge

Constellation System Security Name Type
Constellation Kimotoro Map New Caldari 1.0 New Caldari Prime - Moon 1 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau
Constellation Kimotoro Map Urlen 1.0 Urlen VI - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau
Constellation Okkelen Map Ishisomo 0.7 Ishisomo IX - Moon 9 - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau
Constellation Okkelen Map Otitoh 0.5 Otitoh VII - Moon 3 - Chief Executive Panel Academy Academy
Constellation Otsabaira Map Silen 0.5 Silen IV - Moon 18 - Chief Executive Panel Treasury Treasury
Constellation Otsabaira Map Vattuolen 0.7 Vattuolen IX - Chief Executive Panel Bureau Bureau
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