System Share

Name UniverseMap Anttiri Planets 6 Jumps 1h/24h 281 9863
Region UniverseMap The Citadel Moons 26 Ship Kills 0 3
Constellation UniverseConstellation Tasen Belts/Icebelts 7 NPC Kills 146 5504
Security Level 0.7 Security Class C Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Caldari State Local Pirates Guristas
Minerals Plagioclase, Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (10 Jumps)
Map Syndicate Map PF-346 -0.35 The Syndicate
Show Route Show Route Anttiri Goto Juunigaishi Goto Uedama Goto Sivala Goto Hatakani Goto Yashunen Goto Jolevier Goto Caslemon Goto Mesybier Goto Orvolle Goto PF-346

Lowsec System (3 Jumps)
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Kubinen 0.4 Caldari State
Show Route Show Route Anttiri Goto Juunigaishi Goto Uedama Goto Kubinen

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri III - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral ReserveMineral ReserveAnttiri III - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral Reserve
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri IV - Moon 1 - Rapid Assembly FactoryFactoryAnttiri IV - Moon 1 - Rapid Assembly Factory
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 14 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAnttiri V - Moon 14 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 18 - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral ReserveMineral ReserveAnttiri V - Moon 18 - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral Reserve
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 20 - Perkone FactoryFactoryAnttiri V - Moon 20 - Perkone Factory
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 21 - Corporate Police Force Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAnttiri V - Moon 21 - Corporate Police Force Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 6 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAnttiri V - Moon 6 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 8 - Perkone FactoryFactoryAnttiri V - Moon 8 - Perkone Factory
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri III - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral ReserveMineral ReserveAnttiri III - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral Reserve
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri IV - Moon 1 - Rapid Assembly FactoryFactoryAnttiri IV - Moon 1 - Rapid Assembly Factory
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 14 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAnttiri V - Moon 14 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 18 - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral ReserveMineral ReserveAnttiri V - Moon 18 - Poksu Mineral Group Mineral Reserve
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 20 - Perkone FactoryFactoryAnttiri V - Moon 20 - Perkone Factory
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 21 - Corporate Police Force Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAnttiri V - Moon 21 - Corporate Police Force Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 6 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAnttiri V - Moon 6 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 8 - Perkone FactoryFactoryAnttiri V - Moon 8 - Perkone Factory
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service (1 Jump)
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Sirppala 0.9 Caldari State Sirppala II - Moon 3 - Kaalakiota Corporation FactoryFactorySirppala II - Moon 3 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory
Show Route Show Route Anttiri Goto Sirppala

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri IV - Moon 1 - Rapid Assembly FactoryFactoryAnttiri IV - Moon 1 - Rapid Assembly Factory
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 14 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAnttiri V - Moon 14 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 20 - Perkone FactoryFactoryAnttiri V - Moon 20 - Perkone Factory
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 21 - Corporate Police Force Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAnttiri V - Moon 21 - Corporate Police Force Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 6 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAnttiri V - Moon 6 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Anttiri 0.7 Caldari State Anttiri V - Moon 8 - Perkone FactoryFactoryAnttiri V - Moon 8 - Perkone Factory
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots (1 Jump)
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Sirppala 0.9 Caldari State Sirppala II - Moon 3 - Kaalakiota Corporation FactoryFactorySirppala II - Moon 3 - Kaalakiota Corporation Factory
Show Route Show Route Anttiri Goto Sirppala

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