System Share

Name UniverseMap Auviken Planets 7 Jumps 1h/24h 81 1890
Region UniverseMap The Citadel Moons 39 Ship Kills 0 0
Constellation UniverseConstellation Nagaslaiken Belts/Icebelts 7 NPC Kills 165 2753
Security Level 0.8 Security Class B Pod Kills 0 0
Faction Caldari State Local Pirates Guristas
Minerals Pyroxeres, Scordite, Veldspar (not accurate)

Nearest Locations

0.0 System (11 Jumps)
Map Tribute Station SystemMap M-OEE8 -0.22 Fraternity. (5)
Show Route Show Route Auviken Goto Kausaaja Goto Kaimon Goto Alikara Goto Vellaine Goto Akonoinen Goto Hageken Goto Vuorrassi Goto Oimmo Goto Otsasai Goto Taisy Goto M-OEE8

Lowsec System (4 Jumps)
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Ishomilken 0.4 Caldari State
Show Route Show Route Auviken Goto Ohvosamon Goto Jeras Goto Usi Goto Ishomilken

Station(s) with Refining Abilities
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken IV - Spacelane Patrol Logistic SupportLogistic SupportAuviken IV - Spacelane Patrol Logistic Support
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken V - Moon 1 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic SupportLogistic SupportAuviken V - Moon 1 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic Support
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken V - Moon 10 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic SupportLogistic SupportAuviken V - Moon 10 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic Support
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken V - Moon 5 - Caldari Business Tribunal Bureau OfficesBureau OfficesAuviken V - Moon 5 - Caldari Business Tribunal Bureau Offices
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken V - Moon 6 - Ytiri StorageStorageAuviken V - Moon 6 - Ytiri Storage
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken VII - Moon 18 - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryAuviken VII - Moon 18 - Propel Dynamics Factory
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken VII - Moon 8 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAuviken VII - Moon 8 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant
In System In System

Station(s) with Repair Facilities
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken IV - Spacelane Patrol Logistic SupportLogistic SupportAuviken IV - Spacelane Patrol Logistic Support
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken V - Moon 1 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic SupportLogistic SupportAuviken V - Moon 1 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic Support
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken V - Moon 10 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic SupportLogistic SupportAuviken V - Moon 10 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic Support
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken V - Moon 6 - Ytiri StorageStorageAuviken V - Moon 6 - Ytiri Storage
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken VII - Moon 18 - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryAuviken VII - Moon 18 - Propel Dynamics Factory
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken VII - Moon 8 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAuviken VII - Moon 8 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant
In System In System

Station(s) with Medical Service
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken IV - Spacelane Patrol Logistic SupportLogistic SupportAuviken IV - Spacelane Patrol Logistic Support
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken V - Moon 1 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic SupportLogistic SupportAuviken V - Moon 1 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic Support
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken V - Moon 10 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic SupportLogistic SupportAuviken V - Moon 10 - Spacelane Patrol Logistic Support
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken V - Moon 5 - Caldari Business Tribunal Bureau OfficesBureau OfficesAuviken V - Moon 5 - Caldari Business Tribunal Bureau Offices
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken VII - Moon 18 - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryAuviken VII - Moon 18 - Propel Dynamics Factory
In System In System

Station(s) with Factory Slots
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken VII - Moon 18 - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryAuviken VII - Moon 18 - Propel Dynamics Factory
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken VII - Moon 8 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly PlantAssembly PlantAuviken VII - Moon 8 - Spacelane Patrol Assembly Plant
In System In System

Station(s) with Research Slots
Map The Citadel Station SystemMap Auviken 0.8 Caldari State Auviken VII - Moon 18 - Propel Dynamics FactoryFactoryAuviken VII - Moon 18 - Propel Dynamics Factory
In System In System

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