Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:44:38 - Live Ticker



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-Group of evening/morning Europe Time zone players. We are a close knit group of experienced players who love to watch films, have fun, enjoy game interaction, specialize in any part of Eve. Basically a bunch of murdering, griefing bastards as well as carebear lovers or if in mood fleet of miners who love the sound of a mining lassers +Group of evening/morning Europe Time zone players. We are a close knit group of experienced players who love to watch films, have fun, enjoy game interaction, specialize in any part of Eve. Basically a bunch of murdering, griefing bastards as well as carebear lovers or if in mood fleet of miners who love the sound of a mining lassers<br><br><br>A teraz po naszemu jesli szukasz ciekawych rozwiązan i masz ochote sie pobawic z nami to zapraszamy ,kopaczy , kerbirów itp.<br><br>Diplomacy contact:<br>ZACTAN1<br>Public channel:<br>ZACTAN1
-A teraz po naszemu jesli szukasz ciekawych rozwiÄ…zan i masz ochote sie pobawic z nami to zapraszamy ,kopaczy , kerbirów itp. 
-Diplomacy contact: 
-Public channel: 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:44:38 Corporation Description
Corporation The Crooked Path Member 7
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