Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:45:15 - Live Ticker



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-Black Watch Guard is an Amarrian loyalist Corporation that was commissioned to achieve the Empire's objectives in the war against the Minmatar. 
-The Senior Leadership of Black Watch Guard are Amarrian, however, the Corporation is committed also to the employment and enlightenment of those capsuleers who are devoted to the Amarr Empire but who were not fortunate enough to have been born within the Empire. Therefore, any member of any race is permitted to seek acceptance provided he is a faithful servent of the Amarr Empire. +Black Watch Guard is an Amarrian loyalist Corporation that was commissioned to achieve the Empire's objectives in the war against the Minmatar.<br><br>The Senior Leadership of Black Watch Guard are Amarrian, however, the Corporation is committed also to the employment and enlightenment of those capsuleers who are devoted to the Amarr Empire but who were not fortunate enough to have been born within the Empire. Therefore, any member of any race is permitted to seek acceptance provided he is a faithful servent of the Amarr Empire. <br><br>Join Black Watch Guard public channel LATEBRA DRACONIS for further information or diplomacy.<br><br><i>"Hic abundant dracones"</i>
-Join Black Watch Guard public channel LATEBRA DRACONIS for further information or diplomacy. 
-"Hic abundant dracones" 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:45:15 Corporation Description
Corporation Black Watch Guard Member 17
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