Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 08:47:25 - Live Ticker



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-The Israeli Space Corporation is a fully capitalistic corporation, founded on the ideals of Ayn Rand, as laid out in her various novels including The Fountianhead and Atlas Shrugged.  
-The motto of ISC is simple. "We swear by our life and our love for it that we will never ask another man to lay down his for us."  
-Everything you do as a player in ISC is paid for, in a capitalistic manner. There is no free 'corporate operations'; minerals are sold to the corporation by members who exercise their own free will.  
-We maintain a standing military, the Israeli Defense Forces; its mission is to protect the intrests of the corporation from would be looters, be they pirates or other corporations seeking to take what is ours. +The Israeli Space Corporation is a fully capitalistic corporation, founded on the ideals of Ayn Rand, as laid out in her various novels including The Fountianhead and Atlas Shrugged. <br><br>The motto of ISC is simple. "We swear by our life and our love for it that we will never ask another man to lay down his for us." <br><br>Everything you do as a player in ISC is paid for, in a capitalistic manner. There is no free 'corporate operations'; minerals are sold to the corporation by members who exercise their own free will. <br><br>We maintain a standing military, the Israeli Defense Forces; its mission is to protect the intrests of the corporation from would be looters, be they pirates or other corporations seeking to take what is ours. <br><br>We also maintain industrial production, and research divisions. For more information on ISC, please join channel IDFCommand, or contact Yoseph Cohen or Diablomarcus.
-We also maintain industrial production, and research divisions. For more information on ISC, please join channel IDFCommand, or contact Yoseph Cohen, Bandus, or Taevin. 

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Resources 2013-01-21 08:47:25 Corporation Description
Alliance THE ROYAL NAVY Member 0
Corporation Israeli Space Corporation Member 6
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