Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 22:49:55 - Live Ticker



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 +For issues invilving Diplomatic Relations, please contact one of the following: Kei Korono Zarsolom or Raining
 +The Sanskrit Federation encompasses several races that all work for the same thing, to be the best we can be. This Corp does Mission running and NPC Hunting. This Corp is tax free. Donations to pay for the Offices is accepted.
-For issues invilving Diplomatic Relations, please contact one of the following: <a href="showinfo:1377//90482428">Kei Korono</a> <a href="showinfo:1380//90571903">Zarsolom</a> or <a href="showinfo:1380//90314783">Raining<br></a><br>The Sanskrit Federation encompasses several races that all work for the same thing, to be the best we can be. This Corp does Mission running and NPC Hunting. This Corp is tax free. Donations to pay for the Offices is accepted. <br><br>The Sanskrit are a family. They dont have ranks. What they do have is family and the business. If a man doesnt have his family then he has nothing at all. Now with that family comes loyalty, Family and loyalty go hand in hand, you cant really have one without the other. Now loyalty also applies to business. Everyone in the business and involved with the business has to be loyal. How far can you actually get in the world of business without loyal people. <br><br>Its safe to say ... The Sanskrit Federation is a loyal business family.<br><br>╔╗║║ ╔╗║║╦ ╦<br>║║╠╣ ╚╗╠╣║ ║<br>╚╝║║ ╚╝║║╩ ║<br><br>̿ ̿̿̿̿'̿'\̵͇̿̿\=((•̪●))=/̵͇̿̿/'̿̿ ̿ ̿ nobody move !<br><br>~Mission running<br>~Mining<br>~Marketing<br>~Manufacturing and Production +The Sanskrit are a family. They dont have ranks. What they do have is family and the business. If a man doesnt have his family then he has nothing at all. Now with that family comes loyalty, Family and loyalty go hand in hand, you cant really have one without the other. Now loyalty also applies to business. Everyone in the business and involved with the business has to be loyal. How far can you actually get in the world of business without loyal people.
 +Its safe to say ... The Sanskrit Federation is a loyal business family.
 +╔╗║║ ╔╗║║╦ ╦
 +â•‘â•‘â• â•£ ╚╗╠╣║ â•‘
 +╚╝║║ ╚╝║║╩ â•‘
 +Ì¿ Ì¿Ì¿Ì¿Ì¿'Ì¿'\̵͇̿̿\=((•̪●))=/̵͇̿̿/'Ì¿Ì¿ Ì¿ Ì¿ nobody move !
 +~Mission running
 +~Manufacturing and Production

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Resources 2013-01-21 22:49:55 Corporation Description
Corporation Sanskrit Federation Member 1
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