Corporation - Description - 2013-01-21 22:54:02 - Live Ticker



Old New
 +Now seeking new members to fill our ranks .
 +if you are a muture person with a fun luv'n attitude then we are interested in you .
 +As a corp we consist of many diffrent
 +types of players be it exploration ,mining , industry , pvp , 0.0 we are into it .
-<br>RAIDIERS OF THE LOST CAUSE<br><br>Now seeking new members to fill our ranks . <br>if you are a muture person with a fun luv'n attitude then we are interested in you . <br>As a corp we consist of many diffrent <br>types of players be it exploration ,mining , industry , pvp , 0.0 we are into it . <br>if you are looking for a group of ppl that you know you can trust then you found it so sign up today and come along into the great unkown to kill some sleeper scum =) +if you are looking for a group of ppl that you know you can trust then you found it so sign up today and come along into the great unkown to kill some sleeper scum =)

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Resources 2013-01-21 22:54:02 Corporation Description
Corporation Raiders Of The lost Cause Member 4
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